social media

Scan social media websites to find three posts that reflect negative stereotypes and/or prejudiced attitudes, or posts that take a social justice perspective on the topic (e.g., the site suggests ways to combat these attitudes and beliefs).**Be sure to include links or images of the posts as attachments.Respond to each of the following questions in … Read more


The purpose is for you to demonstrate and integrate your knowledge of all the concepts covered thus far in the course. Please answer each question thoroughly and with detailed examplesquestions:1). Under what circumstances are the psychological effects of disaster greatest? What factors mediate the psychological response to trauma, and how are loss and grief characterized … Read more


The purpose of this assignment is to present a case study of a disaster and all of the relevant elements that we have covered so far in class. These factors include a consideration of: the scope of the disaster, community impact, psychological and health risks to first responders, psychological assessment, impact on psychological functioning of … Read more

The Effect of Social-Emotional Competency on Child Development in Western China

IV = Independent variable (must be an instructional approach or innovation); DV = Dependent Variable (usually an assessment of a skill, knowledge or comportment); x = age/grade/type/characteristic The paper will summarize the research study, including the following sections: Introduction that states the class members specific relational practitioner research question in a purpose statementBodyinquiry/research question,participants,methods, measures … Read more

straw person autobiography

In keeping with the Metaknowledge framework (K+I=A), students are asked to write a straw person autobiography, or a critical study or narrative (auto)biography. Numerous examples are be provided throughout the course.You should create the autobiography based on K+I=A framework, using five contexts.You should figure out what are those concept at first and use the framework … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

You have identified an issue in sports that is relevant to your area. You have assessed the current policies and regulations in place. You will discuss an action plan to further enhance support for this issue. Write a 2-page paper with the following components: 1. What issue in sport did you select?2. Explain why this … Read more

Module 3 Assignment

After reading this module’s chapter, follow this link to the Journal of Abnormal Psychology (Links to an external site.) and select any three articles that call your attention, and read the article. For each article do the following: Write the full reference. Here is an example: Cooper, M. L., Krull, J. L., Agocha, V. et … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Discuss stem cell research, addressing the following items (two page minimum, double-spaced), Be sure to cite all sources (online and print) using APA citations and a reference page. List the sources of stem cells (at least four).Explain which sources have been used successfully.Describe the scientific research related to the use of stem cells.Submission Instructions: Submit … Read more

Module 1 Assignments

Please read the material in the following link: (Links to an external site.) When you have read it, please answer the following questions. Prior to reading the resources above, how have you referred to an individual with a disability (including mental illness) in conversation or in your written work?Given the provided information from the … Read more


Please answer the following questions using scholarly sources as needed. Please keep the questions numbered so I can put them into the correct place.1. How can the study of aphasia patients advance our knowledge of language processing and language development?2. What do games like Peek-a-boo and This Little Piggy do to facilitate language development? What … Read more