weekly reflection

The weekly reflection should be completed after youve done the readings for the entire week Students will discuss 3-5 things from the course content, readings, audio-video content, and class discussions. Respond to the weeks learning – what you thought about it, what it raised for you, connections you made in a way that shows you … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read the Case Study provided and answer the corresponding questions below.Adolescence is a period that begins with puberty and ends with the transition to adulthood (approximately ages 1020).Steve, a fifteen-year-old student was caught bullying his classmates and forcing them to give him their money. In the interview, Steve mentioned that he is involved with a … Read more


Once you have read or viewed the lesson readings and assignments, you are expected to produce at least one substantive original idea by responding to one of the discussion prompts below. Ideas must be supported by documented information provided in course readings using APA format. Prompt 1: What efforts are being made in your state, … Read more

Policy vs. Worldview

POLICY VS.WORLDVIEW PAPER ASSIGNMENTINSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW  There appears to be no shortage of new laws or changes to current law which could be made. Most of these proposals will benefit the public. On the other hand, many proposals are designed specifically to help certain special interest groups. INSTRUCTIONS  You will submit a 35-page paper that critically … Read more

reply to discussion response

You have just been appointed principal of a high school of 1,200 students (or have just been hired to teach at a local university) in a conservative community. You discover on your very first day that prayer is recited over the intercom, a scripture is read, and blessings are given before some students eat.i. What … Read more

reply to discussion response

You have just been appointed principal of a high school of 1,200 students (or have just been hired to teach at a local university) in a conservative community. You discover on your very first day that prayer is recited over the intercom, a scripture is read, and blessings are given before some students eat.i. What … Read more

social psychology

Hi! I will need the answer to the first question in one hour (a few minutes more OK), but the second one is OK if it takes 2.5 hours.  Half a page answer per question is enough. Please don’t use as advanced English as possible, as basic as possible.  1. Descrive one study (overall design … Read more

Signal detection theory

The goal of the assignment is to understand the concept of signal detection theory. 1. You should describe one situation (ex. a doctor is looking at an MRI picture to diagnose if a patient has a breast cancer tumor).     – What is a signal in this situation? (The signal should have uncertainty).   … Read more