Nursing Theory

Hildegard Peplau was an outstanding leader and pioneer in psychiatric nursing whose career spanned seven decades.  She  introduced the phases of the nursepatient relationship in her Interpersonal Relations Theory. Each phase of the nursepatient relationship is important. Thinking about your area of practice, how do you apply these three phases as you work with patients?

Psychoanalysis of Hitler

I will attach the chapter and info. choose one well known person (living or dead) about whom you can access significant scholarly biographical material. (No You Tube!) and describe and explain their personality using ONE of the theories/theorist covered in this course. 

reading response

REQUIREMENTS: For this assignment, please choose two concepts to define and reflect on. Note: you can choose concepts from more than one chapter if you wish. FOR EACH CONCEPT Name the concept and which chapter it comes from Describe/define the concept,Describe why you chose it, and thenExplain why it matters. What can we learn from … Read more


critically evaluate the nature and efficacy of therapeutic interventions for PTSD and ASD and other trauma-induced psychiatric symptoms. This discussion is unique because you will find a primary research article examining the efficacy of a treatment for PTSD/ASD Find a peer-reviewed research article that discusses a behavioral OR pharmacological treatment for PTSD/ASD.  HINT:  Common psychotherapy … Read more

TED talks

You will be writing a reflection paper on one of the following TED talks. In the Self Reflection assignment, examine the effect of course material on your assumptions and knowledge about the role of culture or your everyday interactions with others from a different culture, religion, or socio-economic group. While the reflection is subjective, the … Read more

Cognitive System

Please read the PowerPoint in attachment and then include a brief description of the concept and a description of your application/reaction/integration. You could:–    Use a theory to make sense of your thoughts, behavior, or emotions. (Can evolutionary theory tell me why I find my significant other attractive?)–    Reference a movie/tv show/book and illustrate how a … Read more

term paper

INDIVIDUAL JOURNAL ARTICLE For the individual part of the Term Paper, you will need to find a source that has to be a scholarly article that addresses your groups topic. This article can be a report of an empirical study (quantitative or qualitative), a systematic review, or a meta-analysis.The following gives you some guidance on … Read more

Literature review

Create a Literature Review for Erik Erikson’s eight stages of psychosocial development. Use two sources for each stage.         Only scholarly articles will be acceptedEBSCO Periodical DatabasesEncyclopedia BritannicaEbrary Online BooksAccredited Sources – .gov, .org and .eduEach point on your outline will need a minimum of 2 resources

How can psychological theories of self and identity processes be used to improve human well-being?

Analyse: Intro: Why is it important to study self and identity process(1) Is identity viewed primarily as a personal, relational, or collective phenomenon? (2) Is identity viewed as relatively stable, or as fluid and constantly changing? (3) Is identity viewed as discovered, personally constructed, or socially constructed? (4) Should identity be researched using quantitative or … Read more

Role Play Script

In a minimum of 500 words, create a role-play script with a patient who has recently been diagnosed with cancer. Use at least 10 questions in the script that a behavioral health provider would use to assess the patient’s lifestyle management needs. Explain the impact of well-being in human functioning and achieving life satisfaction and … Read more