Define Fonagys concept of mentalization . How do child abuse and disorganized attachment lead to a failure to develop the capacity to mentalize in those who later develop anti-social/sociopathic behavior?

Please answer the following four questions (worth 25 points each) in two  pages each.  1. Define what we mean by not guilty by reason of insanity vs incompetent to stand trial. Choose one of the following people we have studied this term from the following list:  Ted Bundy, Morgan or Anissa (Slenderman), Brandon Mcinerney (Valentine … Read more

Multimedia Instructional Materials

Staying current on technology is an essential aspect of being an educator. Todays students are digital natives, and they often respond better to media than to traditional methods of teaching. Having a strong technology repertoire is important. Create a matrix detailing a variety of multimedia, technology, games, apps, and other technological tools for teaching reading … Read more

Policy Issues in Education

These articles must relate to policy issues in education. You will critique the article in relation to the evidence that the author used in making their claim. Show whether the author provided reasonable arguments and facts for their main points. News articles used for this assignment must come from a newspaper, a news program, or … Read more

Policy Definition

Define education policy and give an example of policy developed at the federal, state, and local levels. Why is it important for an educator, especially an educational leader, to understand the policy-making process? It must incorporate citations and must either used text (which I will attach momentarily), bible, and/or scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles.

Developmental Psychology

There are times in our history when tragic situations occur that make us examine human development. In this case, a young girl, Genie Wiley, lacked the ability to use verbal language. Even with the presence of intense intervention, she never developed age-appropriate language abilities. Chapter 9 addresses language development from infancy through adolescence. For this … Read more

Developmental Psychology

Imagine that you are a schoolteacher and have approximately 20 children/adolescents each day to teach and entertain. During the school age years, students must to focus and pay attention for much of the school day. As a teacher, you must create ways and use techniques that maintain their attention and keep them thinking as you … Read more

Developmental Psychology

We all have our own zones of proximal development for different tasks that we learn throughout our life. Even as adults, there are things we can do independently and other things we need assistance with until we grasp the complete concept. Chapter 6 introduces us to Vygotskys theory of cognitive development that focuses on sociocultural … Read more

Developmental Psychology

Imagine that you just received an invitation to attend a birthday party for your best friends 1-year-old child. You cannot go to the party without a gift, right? Of course not, and since you are taking this Developmental Psychology course, you feel the need to purchase something useful rather than a cute new outfit. Chapter … Read more

Developmental Psychology

Neuroscience and brain physiology are growing areas of interest in psychology. The brain is one area that does not stop developing; we continue to experience change with significant adjustments during adolescence. As Chapter 4 discusses, the prefrontal cortex continues to develop during emerging adulthood and is linked to risk-taking behavior during adolescence. For this assignment, … Read more

Developmental Psychology

In every culture, there are traditional beliefs about pregnancy, many of which are myths. For example, you may have heard that labor is more likely to begin during a full moon or that boys carry high but girls carry low. Chapter 3 provided an accurate overview of prenatal development and birth. For this assignment, I … Read more