behavior modification

ssays should be typed, double-spaced and a maximum of 3 pages each. Discuss which learning principles may be used (or applied) to increase adaptive, effective and/or desirable behaviors that are currently deficits in a persons functioning.  Note that behaviors may include (a) physiological responses (for example, physiological responses that happen when someone is in fight-or-flight … Read more

career counseling

The Bureau of Labor Statistics attempts to provide statistical data to illustrate the impact of a variety of factors on career success. In this discussion, you will do the following: Review the Bureau of Labor Statistics website: one (1) population from an age group, culture, and ability status of your personal interest.Find information that … Read more

eyewtiness testimony

Based on your researched literature review, you will evaluate further the extent of the problem related to your research topic (research topic is: eyewitness testimony). Choose which educational tool would be appropriate to address your research problem to an audience either by presenting a training (train) or webinar (inform). You will consider the topic issue, … Read more

Evolution Psychology

– Read the power point attached– Come up with an interesting question that can stimulate a scientific discussion. Avoid posting questions that you could answer yourself with some additional re-search. If you are raising an abstract idea or an objection to a reading, make sure to provide a concrete example so that people can more … Read more


What are some social and cultural factors that could influence prenatal development? Consider various social and cultural factors like culture, income, poverty, availability of healthy foods and health care). Support your arguments with references. The paper should be: – minimum one page – 12-point Times New Roman – double-spaced – APA format source citation in … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read: Addressing domestic violence in professional sports: Hearings before the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, of the United States Senate, 113th Congress 2 (2014, December 2). Brown, M. L. (2016). When pros become cons: Ending the NFL’s history of domestic violence leniency. Family Law Quarterly, 50(1), 193212. ———————————————————————————————————————————–Assignment: Write a 3-page paper with the … Read more

Discussion Board

What I Learned and Thinking about Intelligence STEP 1: Think of different, specific, examples of things you have learned through the types of conditioning discussed in this module. Write a discussion post explaining the behaviors you learned, and identify the key components and vocabulary of the learning, such as the UCS, UCR, CS, CR, positive … Read more

weekly reflection

Sensory chapter 8 and 9 The weekly reflection should be completed after youve done the readings for the entire week Students will discuss 3-5 things from the course content, readings, audio-video content, and class discussions. Respond to the weeks learning – what you thought about it, what it raised for you, connections you made in … Read more

The Plan

I have attached my first assignment for you to following for this paper* The PlanOverviewRead the Scenario for Assignments in Weeks 3, 6, and 10. InstructionsWrite a paper in which you address the following: Part 1: Training Method and JustificationFor each of the trainings, you will do the following: Describe the training and delivery method.Describe … Read more