Using your own words, complete the following. You may use the textbook and other sources for information but the answers should be in your own words–not copied and pasted. Remember to properly cite a

Using your own words, complete the following. You may use the textbook and other sources for information but the answers should be in your own words–not copied and pasted. Remember to properly cite and reference any sources used. Define classical conditioning. In what situation(s) would this approach be used most effectively? Give an example of classical conditioning. Be sure … Read more

Assignment: This week, you learned about foundational concepts of youth-adult relationships/partnerships and youth voice. You read the following readings: Reading 1: At Our Best: Building youth-adul

Assignment: This week, you learned about foundational concepts of youth-adult relationships/partnerships and youth voice. You read the following readings:   Reading 1: At Our Best: Building youth-adultpartnerships in out-of-school-time settings. Chapter 2 Reading 2: Zeldin & Collura Chapter 2 Your reading response essay should not include direct quotes from the readings if at all possible.  If you either … Read more

Select ONE of the following discussion prompts to write a well-organized essay (300-word minimum) with reference to the associated article. Be sure to use APA-style format, ensuring that quotes or par

Select ONE of the following discussion prompts to write a well-organized essay (300-word minimum) with reference to the associated article. Be sure to use APA-style format, ensuring that quotes or paraphrases contain the page number in-text. The film about language and communication uses BEV and our textbook uses AAVE. What is the difference? What does this say about … Read more

“How can you tell that someone is lying by looking at their body language?” Go to psycINFO and/or google scholar to answer the question, relying solely on empirical journal articles. Consult 3-5 acade

“How can you tell that someone is lying by looking at their body language?” Go to psycINFO and/or google scholar to answer the question, relying solely on empirical journal articles. Consult 3-5 academic sources to determine the most reliable cues to deception and summarize this information in your own words. Create an APA-style reference list … Read more

Assessment Description Joseph is a client of yours doing outpatient therapy, one on one at least once a week for social phobia. He presents with intense anxiety, fear of being judged by others, intens

Assessment Description Joseph is a client of yours doing outpatient therapy, one on one at least once a week for social phobia. He presents with intense anxiety, fear of being judged by others, intense negative self-judgments, and has dropped out of college because of these fears. Using behavioral therapy techniques describe your approach to helping … Read more

SUBJECT: REHABILITATION PSYCHOLOGY INSTRUCTIONS: Review of competence in disability Fall 2024 Assignment: Post a discussion on two news articles on disabilities which you find. Explain how each of yo

SUBJECT: REHABILITATION PSYCHOLOGY  INSTRUCTIONS: Review of competence in disability Fall 2024Assignment: Post a discussion on two news articles on disabilities which you find.Explain how each of your news articles would fit into Kostanjsek 2010 domains. These domainsare: 1) cognition, 2) mobility, 3) self-care, 4) getting along, 5) life activities, and 6) participation.Remember, any article on … Read more

SUBJECT: CHILD PSYCHOLOGY INSTRUCTIONS:Assignment: Find and review 2 news articles on child psychology. This can include news articles on infancy or childhood or adolescent development or caregiving.

SUBJECT: CHILD PSYCHOLOGY INSTRUCTIONS:Assignment: Find and review 2 news articles on child psychology. This can include newsarticles on infancy or childhood or adolescent development or caregiving. Review eacharticle in a 350-500 word summary. You can go over this limit. Include an explanationof what type of theme as listed in your textbook is being discussed in … Read more

Assessment Description Write a 1,000-1,500-word analysis of person-centered counseling which fully explores the following categories: What makes person-centered counseling an effective approach for cl

Assessment Description Write a 1,000-1,500-word analysis of person-centered counseling which fully explores the following categories: What makes person-centered counseling an effective approach for clients with a wide range of presenting issues? Describe the importance of genuineness being present in the counselor. How can a counselor maintain this quality with clients they may disagree with? From … Read more

Assessment Description Could you be genuine, accepting, and empathic with all clients? What type of client or presenting issue would create a challenge for you in terms of being genuine, accepting, an

Assessment Description Could you be genuine, accepting, and empathic with all clients? What type of client or presenting issue would create a challenge for you in terms of being genuine, accepting, and empathic? How would you work with clients with whom you did not feel these three conditions? This discussion question is informed by the … Read more

Answer each question thoroughly and clearly, and ground it in course reading material. Essay answers must be more than 3 or 4 brief sentences but kept within the bounds of an essay exam (2 – 6 paragra

Answer each question thoroughly and clearly, and ground it in course reading material. Essay answers must be more than 3 or 4 brief sentences but kept within the bounds of an essay exam (2 – 6 paragraphs). All your writing must be in your own words. Paraphrase (restate what you read) rather than copying material from course … Read more