Essay on Psychological Disorders

Directions: Be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Respond to the topics for this writing assignment using your own words. Design your responses as if you are explaining facts, concepts, and ideas to someone who is not familiar with the subject matter. Be sure to include creative examples wherever they may be appropriate. Also, … Read more

Completing a Qualitative Study

  Directions: Code the data. Present the results in a table similar to Table 1 in Assignment Tables document. Create a codebook in a table similar to Table 2 in Assignment Tables document. Words or Phrases That Appear Frequently Create a table for each theme similar to Table 3 in Assignment Tables document. Inductively Developed … Read more

Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography  This week, you will complete a annotated bibliography for a paper that will be due in Week 5. For more information on the required format of the bibliography please For Week 3, utilize the mental disorder categories from DSM-5 to do an annotated bibliography on current research (within the last five years) on … Read more

week four feedback question

How does kinship apply in scenario in which a person is equally related to both people in need of assistance? For example a situation in which a person is forced to choose between two of his or her own siblings? Reading from Buss(2015), Evolutionary psychology

I need this in 2 weeks .

PSYC 2103 Term Paper Requirements: Students will be required to write a six page, APA formatted term paper investigating their own development from a biological, cognitive, and psychosocial perspective. The paper must include an APA formatted title and reference page, which is not included in the six page minimum requirement. Students are expected to examine … Read more


  you will need access to txtbook chapter I dont have the book  Smith-Acuna (2011). Systems Theory in Action: Applications to Individual, Couples, and Family Therapy. John Wiley and Sons. Hoboken, New Jersey. (ISBN: 978-0-470-47582-9) Half  page reaction paper for each chapter 1-9  due 2/7/21

Capstone Cause and Effect

For this Assignment, you are to explain 3 primary causes and 3 effects from those causes. You will need a thorough discussion of each cause (fully describe the source) and the effects (fully describe who is impacted and how). Following the description of the 3 causes and effects, this narrative should conclude with a final … Read more


   (PRESENTATION 1 DISCUSSION-BIRTH PREFERENCE G1 ) —–Do you think it is worth going through all the trouble of IVF , knowing that there is a very high risk of stillbirth ,preterm delivery, and birth defects, just to risk the life of the baby at birth? (100-120 words)   (PRESENTATION 2 DISCUSSION-BIRTH PREFERENCE G2 ) —–Why … Read more

Olfactory Memories

  This is a Graded Discussion and You Must Follow Grading Criteria(found in Syllabus Appendix and Instructor’s Page) Share your own personal associations to different scents (e.g., perfume of a loved one, a special flower, a special food, etc).  Which scents evoke a particular memory for you or have a strong association with a person, … Read more