Assignment: Research Design and Sampling

Assignment: Research Design and Sampling Using the empirical research article that your instructor approved in the Week 5 assignment, ask yourself: Is this a quantitative research article or a qualitative research article? Remember, in quantitative research, the emphasis is on measuring social phenomenon because it is assumed that everything can be observed, measured, and quantified. … Read more

qualitative research

  Submit a 2-page paper that addresses the following: Choose two qualitative research studies from this week’s resources and analyze the relationship between qualitative analysis and evidence-based practice. Consider how the qualitative study contributes to social work practice and how this type of knowledge would fit into building evidence-based practice. Please use the following   Luke, … Read more

End of life Care

  2- to 4-page paper that analyzes the role of the social worker in helping to plan end-of-life care. Include possible consideration of palliative care, euthanasia, hospice care, the living will and advanced directives, and other factors. Research and cite at least one journal article to support your analysis. 

Qualitative Research, Docorate LEVEL. Please DO NOT Complete assignment if you have no Doctorate KNOWLEDGE

 Please read attachment. Please have experience on a DOCTORATE LEVEL. Please do not complete assignmetn if your not aware of qualitative research. I WILL DISPUTE IF THE ANSWER IS INCORRECT  Develop a draft interview guide consistent with your chosen approach, using the feedback you received in your Workshop. Submit your draft interview guide to your … Read more

Week 7 Moral Development theory and bullying

  Post an explanation of two moral development theory (each with different reference) and its connection to the act of bullying. Be sure to frame your explanation within the context of cyber and other bullying that persists in social media and communication technologies used by adolescents. Also explain how bullying has changed and how it … Read more

Relationship Between Qualitative Analysis and Evidence-Based Practice

 Evidence-based practice is integral to social work, as it often informs best practices. Competent social workers understand this connection in general and the ways it benefits clients in particular. For this Assignment, consider your informed opinion on the relationship between qualitative analysis and evidence-based practice.    Submit a 2-page paper that addresses the following: Choose … Read more

reference hel

   Complete a reference page for the 1 reference above and send it back to me asap Thank you 

Psychology Make sure you have thoroughly read and reviewed the Instructions Part 1: Initial Post Write one paragraph of 5-7 sentences on each of the three topics below. This is a total of three paragraphs. You should use this three paragraph format for all discussion boards.  Define (in your own words) the following terms: experimental … Read more


Explain the two major types of bias. Identify a peer-reviewed epidemiology article that discusses potential issues with bias as a limitation and discuss what could have been done to minimize the bias (exclude articles that combine multiple studies such as meta-analysis and systemic review articles). What are the implications of making inferences based on data … Read more