Women in Home Bible Studies Paper

At its foundation, the ministry is a one-on-one interaction with people.  Priscilla and Aquila were a good example of a couple working together to share the gospel with others.  Even in cultures and situations where Christianity is repressed or suppressed, men and women can still have an effective ministry in their home.  Here is an … Read more

Communication Paper

Healthy teams exercise effective communication. Team productivity depends on members consistently communicate with one another. When teams communicate, they connect. Write a 2-3 page paper describing the communication in teams. You will want to explore the different kinds of communication in organizations and how communication plays an important role along with other areas you believe … Read more

Global Perspective Exercise

Highly functioning teams consider situations from a global perspective. This type of perspective requires each member understands the vision and goals of the team. Members reflect on the larger implications of their decision-making and accomplishments.  In other words, the global perspective keeps in mind the big picture regarding how the decisions of each individual will … Read more


Write a book review of Fr. James Martin’s book, Jesus: a Pilgrimage. It is important to give a concise overall review of the book as well as concentrate closely on several topics in it; you do not have to cover every chapter; you may choose to concentrate on several chapters or themes. You must include … Read more

Week 5 – Assignment

When teams encounter problems, members must commit to examining the cause and/or source of the problem. Personal issues should be eliminated and solutions generated toward a workable resolution. Reference Book:  The Five Dysfunctions of a Team – by Patrick LencioniReference Book:  The 17 Indusputalbe Laws of Teamwork – by John Maxwell Write a 1-page response … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

* Reflect on several things that strike you in the chapter.  You may want to include an insight or an observation on the part of the author that you find interesting, thought-provoking, challenging, resonating, convicting, or even annoying and distressing. You may comment on things with which you agree or disagree.* Your reflections need not … Read more

Communication Barrier

Teams often experience barriers to communication. Critical thinking skills can be utilized to overcome these barriers. When the team evaluates problems relating to communication from a critical viewpoint, the team experiences growth and cohesiveness. Create a list of 10 barriers that affect teams. In the list, make sure you give significant thought to why there … Read more

Reflection Paper

Instructions1.    Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.2.    For this assignment, use your research, what you have learned in the discussions, and your journaling to write a two- to three-page paper.3.    In your two- to three-page paper, respond to the following questions:a.    What have you always believed about … Read more

islamic art and architecture

Answer the questions 1-3 with the readings that I provide to answer the final question number 5. 1) at least two different periods that we have studied so far;2) specific articles we have read that are relevant to the question; 3) and specific works of art that respond to the questions.5) In Islamic art and … Read more


1) Based on the attached notes, what is the most interesting aspect of Judaism that you have learned. 2) Why do you think the kosher laws are so important to the orthodox tradition of Judaism? And what would be the reason why the Reformed Tradition would not be so scrupulous about these laws? 3) In … Read more