
Each question answered in 1000 words (3000 total). 1. Please describe Islamic purity law (ahrah). What are the main forms of impurity, and how does one get rid of those different forms of impurity? (Please describe the purification rituals in detail.) How does a concern for ritual purity impact one’s ability to perform one’s religious … Read more


two part final essay. any style answer to one of two questions (4-5 pages) 1. Give a detailed explanation of the antichrists in the Letters of John and their beliefs interms of Christology.2. How has the Millennium been interpreted throughout time? personal reflection (4-5 pages) Discuss and provide a personal reflection on two topics from … Read more

Book Report

I need a Book report final project.I already have the book and the topic. I also already have comments from the teacher about my proposal for this work. You can find this book here: I attached the class readings, and in the proposal paper are others sources. you can find everything necessary for this … Read more

Theology Essay

Remember academic form and style apply. This is more than just an opinion paper. This essay explores the major themes of theology: God, creation, Jesus, scripture/revelation, sin, and salvation, mission. Include your understanding of a biblical worldview and how this differs from another worldview studied during this course. If you need a guideline, you should … Read more

Eastern Religions/Philosophies

What do you think of some of the major Eastern Religions/Philosophies (Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Shintoism, etc.,) ? What has surprised you? Which makes the most sense to you or do you think that they are so foreign to you that they don’t make any sense? Are there other thoughts that have been stirred up … Read more

My Philosophy of Christian Education

Philosophy of Christian Education Final Term paper. After reading and responding in writing to the work of Freire, Shors subsequent commentary on Freire, Parker Palmer, hooks, and the contributors to Educating for Redemptive Community, and discussion of these books, learners will write their personal philosophy of Christian education. The final paper must be a concise … Read more

Entry 8

What seem to be the different teachings within the readings from the Quran? What stands out to you as unique about the love poems to God written by Rumi? Next, consider any preconceived ideas you may have held about Islam (from media, politicians, pop culture, social constructs, etc.). Do the primary readings from the Qur’an … Read more


Hey, this is a really important final worth 50% of my grade. i don’t usually do this im sorry but im very stressed from my other finals. I was assigned 5 questions, PICK 2 (whichever ones you find easier to write about) Use size 12 and font times new roman. Please let me know which … Read more


At this point you should be confident discussing your research. You will give the equivalent of a 10-minute presentation. I expect your presentation to be interesting and interactive. On the day of your FOP you will turn in a typed works cited page that lists the references used in your presentation (at least six sources). … Read more


Utilizing information from the two assigned readings for Week 14: The Nature of Goodness by Oliner (pp.129-161)The World of Heroes: Why We Need Heroes by Oliner (pp.163-186)Discuss something specific from each reading which you appreciated and/or helped you better understand the core ideas presented. Limit your response for each reading to a maximum of 250 … Read more