Chinese and Japanese Religions

1) What was the most interesting aspect of Daoism that you came across? If you found this in a particular website, please list the website. 2) Briefly explain your understanding of the “Rectification of Names” and express whether you think that this concept could help modern day society to operate better? Did you come across … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

* Reflect on several things that strike you in the chapter.  You may want to include an insight or an observation on the part of the author that you find interesting, thought-provoking, challenging, resonating, convicting, or even annoying and distressing. You may comment on things with which you agree or disagree.* Your reflections need not … Read more

Aliens and Belief in God

“What, according to you, are the major differences between belief in aliens and belief in God (or gods, angels, etc.)? What part of culture (and the culture/s of the United States, in particular) has made one of these beliefs broadly popular and acceptable, while the other is relegated to the fringes of society?” Please write … Read more

Book Report on Quran and Women by Amina Wadud

The AssignmentSelect a scholarly book or memoir written by a contemporary author (not a translation of an older work) on some topic related to Islam. The book can be written from a variety of disciplinary perspectives (history, religious studies, anthropology, sociology, political science, art history, etc.) Read the book carefully and then write a 2000-word … Read more


You are required to respond to both topics. 1.  In 313, the Emperor Constantine converted and established Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire; the Constantinian era has affected Christianity up to the present. Describe the political and religious changes that occurred in Christianity since Christianity became the official religion,  2. So far, there have been … Read more

World religions

Please upload all assignments to the assignment dropbox link.  In an emergency, you may send them to my college email in a viable WORD or PDF file.  You are responsible for turning in a readable assignment.  I will check all assignments through the Turnitin plagiarism checker.Research Portfolio REL 2300This Research Portfolio consists of ten pages … Read more


The aim of this paper is to identify a theme that runs across different Christian communities throughout space and time and then analyzing how the theme is expressed, by using the three texts attached. 1. The first paragraph of the paper should speak about the theme in broad terms and include a thesis statement. 2. … Read more

literature of the Diaspora and Return.

For this assignment you will compose two letters, a conversation between someone who has returned home to Israel and witnessed the dedication of the rebuilt Temple (Nehemiah 8-9) and someone who is still living away from the land, in Persia (Esther).     Questions to consider for your returned citizen: What are you excited about? … Read more

Virtual Teams Paper

With the surge of technology experienced in the workplace, virtual teams are becoming an essential tool. Virtual teams can be fiscally beneficial to an organization and often consume less physical resources. Virtual teams can serve a variety of purposes and accomplish tasks in a more efficient manner. Write a 2-3 page paper describing the importance … Read more