Agenda Exercise

Team meetings require agendas. Agendas establish order and promote productivity within the team. Creating agendas requires an understanding of the teams needs and goals. Create an agenda using goals, visions, and directions on a certain team project. You will need to be creative as you make the agenda using a hypothetical team, project, and all … Read more

Assignment -3

Teams function effectively when tasks are divided and members assume various leadership roles. Members should demonstrate leadership characteristics within the team. Members should be given opportunities to utilize their strengths and expertise while completing the necessary tasks of the team. REFERENCE BOOK:  The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork – by John C. MaxwellREFERENCE BOOK:  The … Read more

Old Testament StoryLine Project

(5) Old Testament Storyline Project. Students have an opportunity to create a project that illustrates the biblical storyline of the OT, from creation through the post-exilic times. The projects will be graded on the following criteria: The project needs to show the history/story of the Old Testament, NOT the canonical order of the books (which … Read more

Old Testament StoryLine Project

(5) Old Testament Storyline Project. Students have an opportunity to create a project that illustrates the biblical storyline of the OT, from creation through the post-exilic times. The projects will be graded on the following criteria: The project needs to show the history/story of the Old Testament, NOT the canonical order of the books (which … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

you will be studying the story of Philip and the Ethiopian in Acts 8:26-39. You will use the provided template to complete a study of this passage. In your study, you will use the skills of Observation, Interpretation, Correlation, and Application that you have become familiar with through your reading in Everyday Bible Study.

religion and gender and sexuality

The final project will be an opportunity for you to do on your own what we have been doing together all semester long: choose a case study and analyze it using the tools of the class, showing the connections between religion and society/culture. That means the case study should be something that allows you to … Read more

supernatural in pop culture

this essay is on the show “the vampire diaries”. it will entail the author’s biography, the inspiration of the theme supernatural, supernatural characters, and themes explained in the show, and how accurate it is from a religious aspect. religious connections and themes in the show. lastly the critique of the presentation provided in the additional … Read more

Hinduism and Buddhism

1) As you have encountered Hinduism, why would you think that the Ganges River is so sacred to the people? 2) Through websites that you have explored, what is the god that intrigues you most? 3) Why would the life of Buddha be an important starting point for the study of Buddhism? Which type of … Read more