2 Timothy 3

II Timothy 3The Apostle Paul gave important instructions to Timothy in 1 and 2 Timothy. Most Bible scholars agree that 2 Timothy seems to be Pauls final writing and bears the marks of a man who knows he will soon pass from this life into the Lords presence. As Paul prepares Timothy for his pastoral … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The writer(s) of the book of Genesis assume a worldview that is different from ours, and this was also the view of their earliest audiences.  For example, they perceived the earth to be flat and the universe three-tiered, with the earth at its center.  They were unaware of territory or life beyond Mesopotamia to the … Read more

Applied Learning Paper

Choose one section of Acts, as early in the course as you possibly can. Throughout the course, gather notes towards the final composition of your ALP.  Based on the exercises, required reading, and reading of at least three commentaries, discuss the section in detail as a coherent unit. Then discuss its relationship to Acts as … Read more

Creative Writing

This is an extra credit assignment worth up to 100 points. Get a cracker (or similar type piece of food).  Go to a quiet place and sit down and take a small bite.  Think about all the people who plowed the field, planted the seed watered the plants, etc.  Take another bite and think of … Read more

Christology to Pneumatology

Create a thread of at least 500 words, which must include at least two citations. The data from Christology and pneumatology flow into soteriology. 1. First, discuss the distinctive work of both the Son of God and the Spirit of God in the procuring of salvation for humanity. 2. What role does each of them … Read more

Understanding Religion Essay

Instructions Choose only one (1) of the following two options: Option 1: Eight Characteristics of ReligionIn an essay, address the following: 1. Identify and briefly describe the eight key characteristics of religion developed in your reading.2. Choose 2 for further explanation and include an example for each of your chosen characteristics as demonstrated in a … Read more


Confucianism Assignment Choose 3 aspects about Confucianism that interest you.  Write a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 4 paragraphs describing each aspect.  Each paragraph should be 75-150 words in length. You should have a total of 9-12 paragraphs.  Do not use a list of things.  Choose one item from the list and write … Read more