
  Think of a teacher you had sometime between kindergarten and graduating high school that made a positive impact on your learning or your life. This can be a teacher you had in school or someone who taught an extra curricular class, activity, or sport. Write 4 sentences on what you remember about that teacher. … Read more


In one of this week’s readings, entitled “Active and Passive Euthanasia,” James Rachels presents a thought experiment involving to subject, Smith and Jones. What is this thought experiment intended to show? How is this related to the main argument about active and passive euthanasia? As always please respond to the answers of at least two … Read more

Essay 1: On the conceptual equipment

Essay 1. On the conceptual equipment. (Chapter 1 of the book) You should address the following questions in this essay. (a) In physics we talk of the atom, in chemistry we talk of the bond,  in biology it is the cell, genetics the DNA, in geology it is the  tectonic plate. What do we talk … Read more


 Has Walmart had a positive impact or a negative impact on our society? Consider neighborhoods in Chicago that rely on small grocery stores with inflated prices. At the same time, consider the growth of Wal-mart and other big-box stores in suburbs.  Do their reduced prices justify changes in things such as customer service and return … Read more


Submit a printed 150-200 word digest/journal based on the required reading in Society – Politics – Economics – Scott Rae, chapter 12 In your own words, but with appropriate quoting or paraphrasing, you will give a concise summary of the important points of the chapter.

Climate crisis, Ethics

    Evaluate the topic of your essay according to the following ethical perspectives: Aristotles Virtue Ethics, Kants Duty Ethics, Utilitarian Ethics (Bentham, JS Mill), Animal Ethics (Singer and/or Regan), JB Callicotts Environmental Ethics, Holmes Rolstons Earth Ethics, Arne Naess Deep Ecology, an Environmental Ethics essay and an Environmental Ethics essay. Compare and contrast how each … Read more


 Choose either Topic 1, Topic 2, or Topic 3. To answer these topics completely, it takes a minimum of 450 words. Use the topic questions and the scoring rubric to see if your draft responds fully to all parts of the question. A complete thoughtful answer is more important than word count. Topics for your Essay, … Read more

Write a short, objective summary of 250-500 words which summarizes the main ideas being put forward by the author in this selection.

  Instructions: STEP 1 – After reading all of Chapter 21, please select ONE of the following primary source readings: Famine, Affluence, and Morality by Peter Singer (starting on page 829)-or- Lifeboat Ethics by Garrett Hardin (starting on page 835)-or- A Critique of Lifeboat Ethics by William W. Murdoch and Allan Oaten (starting on page 841)-or- … Read more

critical thinking final

After reflecting on your experience learning about critical thinking and ethics, adress the following prompt:  1.) Share 2-3 of the most important things that you learned from taking this course. Post your word count (at least 200 words) at the top of your post.

HUM 100 Project 2 Short Answer Responses

 Overview The enduring relevance of the humanities is that they encourage us to consider a number of big ideas. What is culture? How do we go about studying it? What is the relationship between cultural artifacts and the culture in which they are created? Between artists and the creators of cultural artifacts and the things … Read more