Meaning of life

Write an essay that is 1200-1500 words. instructions below: Paper Topic: With reference to one or more of the authors covered in Units 3 or 4 (from Tolstoys The Death of Ivan Ilych to Cahns Meaningless Lives), critically discuss the following question: Does death negate lifes meaning? Notes: To satisfy the aims of this assignment, … Read more

Relativism & Custom Writing Assignment

  How do practices such as the one illustrated in the video below exemplify the way in which morality, culture and religion are interwtined with one another? Do you believe a cultural relativist and a divine command theorist agree with the purity ball ceremony? Describe the reasoning for their evaluation of the practice. Do you … Read more


Choose a group/population and complete the following assignment.  This assignment will be formatted in a PowerPoint presentation to include voice overlay.  Pick a specific group/population. For example, your group could be a women’s group for breast cancer survivors, loss of a child, women who have been incarcerated – these are just a few examples. Pick … Read more

Module 5: Essay Assignment The Five Pillars of Islam

For this module, you will write and submit a thoughtful and detailed essay, of at least 1500 words, in response to the specific assigned essay question provided below. The assigned essay question is drawn directly from both of this modules two Explorations. Your essay should provide a relevant, thorough, and detailed response to the question … Read more

Philosophy 14

 Answer one of the following questions based in 100 words based on the attach document. Jean-Paul Sartre, Existentialism is a Humanism (1946) 1. First, I would like you to think about the central principle of Existentialism. What does Sartre mean when he writes that, existence precedes essence? (p.3.). (Answer the question in your own words. … Read more

Logic homework asap!

I need a few problems solved regarding multiple quantifiers and general conditional proof. Only if you have LPL textbook and Tarski’s world. I need it done tonight, so if you’re not free, I’ll just turn it in as is. Throwing a Hail Mary pass!

Critical Thinking Discussion

After reading Chapter 11 Virtue Ethics of the book Beginning Ethics, address the following two prompts;  1.) If you were to identify a moral exemplar or moral leader to follow, which one would you choose (Vaughn listed possibilities such as Socrates, Gandhi, Jesus, and Buddha, amond others)?; and 2.) Explain why you chose the moral … Read more

Critical Thinking Summary

After reading Chapter 11: Virtue Ethics of the book Beginning Ethics, address the following prompts at the end of the chapter:  1.) How do virtue ethicists use moral exemplars? (support your response with examples); and  2.) What elements do virtue ethicists think are missing from traditional duty-based ethics?  Your total word count should be at … Read more


  Let us consider [] a pair of cases which I shall call Rescue I and Rescue II. In the first Rescue story we are hurrying in our jeep to save some people let there be five of them who are imminently threatened by the ocean tide. We have not a moment to spare, so … Read more