
    #1: Epistemology: The Math Question: Rationalists, like Descartes, argue that there is such a thing as “Innate Knowledge”, while Empiricists argue that knowledge comes from the experience of the senses. Explore this debate. Answer the question: How do you know 2+2 = 4? and, by your answer, are you a Rationalist, or an Empiricist? … Read more


 APA format at least 250 words.  Aristotle believed that the virtues that mattered were the habits that engaged the intellect and restrained the emotions, because he thought that practical reason was the best definition of a good life. Gilligan and Noddings thought that the virtue that mattered was compassion and set aside impersonal reason because … Read more

Essay Questions

  What is an argument and explanation? Define those concepts with proper examples and their divisions. How do we describe statements and sentences by using examples. How can we standardize an argument. Explain with example. Why descriptions, assertions and explanations are not an argument? Clarify your answers. – 200 – 300 words per question! 


 – After reading all of Chapter 13, please select ONE of the following primary source readings: People or Penguins by William F. Baxter (starting on page 442)-or- Its Not my Fault: Global Warming and Individual Moral Obligations by Walter Sinnott-Armstrong (starting on page 446)-or- Are All Species Equal? by David Schmidtz (starting on page 458)-or- … Read more


 STEP 1 – After reading all of Chapter 21, please select ONE of the following primary source readings: Famine, Affluence, and Morality by Peter Singer (starting on page 829)-or- Lifeboat Ethics by Garrett Hardin (starting on page 835)-or- A Critique of Lifeboat Ethics by William W. Murdoch and Allan Oaten (starting on page 841)-or- The Case … Read more


 STEP 1 – After reading all of Chapter 20, please select ONE of the following primary source readings: The Morality of Migration by Seyla Benhabib (starting on page 766)-or- The Moral Dilemma of U.S. Immigration Policy Revisited: Open Borders vs. Social Justice?  by Stephen Macedo (starting on page 768)-or- Selecting Immigrants by David Miller (starting … Read more


 Youll write four essays total this term, 350-500 words each.  Please note: You must submit your essays to TWO (2) separate places for grading and review:    Instructions Choose either Topic A, Topic B, or Topic C. To answer these topics completely, it takes a minimum of 350 words. Use the topic questions and the scoring … Read more

Science and Religion Discussion

Please select one of the questions below to address as your initial post. Feel free to respond to classmates’ posts on different questions. Do you find Gould’s argument of nonoverlapping magisteria convincing? Why or why not? If a philosopher or a scientist is a “naturalist” what does that mean?  Please describe and offer your critique … Read more

Philosophy discussion

This week’s readings raise the ultimate ontological question: Is there such a thing as reality? Where do you stand on this question, and why? As noted in the content, many philosophers question whether these ontological musings are relevantwhether or not we can know the ultimate truth of reality can be a challenging or amusing debate … Read more

SOCW 6031 Social Work Pratice Research 1

  Week 7: Sampling It is impossible to study the entirety of any particular population. However, researchers can collect data for their studies from a sample of a particular population. There are two methods of sampling available for researchers: probability sampling and nonprobability sampling. This week, you examine the terminology used for the sampling aspect … Read more