wealth inequality

How does an economics framework, specifically scarcity and rational decision making, help us understand the ? How does a purely economic frame limit our understanding of what went wrong?   Do you agree or disagree with Thomas Piketty that governments should intervene with monetary and fiscal policies through short term stimulus and long term wealth tax? … Read more

Sociology assignment 2

1. Go to page 10 of your textbook. Study the history of sociology, and the role of each principal contributor (Comte, Marx, Spencer, Durkheim, Weber, etc.) Go to page 14, and study different theoretical perspectives of sociology, Functionalism and Conflict Theory in particular. 2. Watch the video below the page. Listen carefully. Take notes. Then, … Read more

Week 5 Discussions: Parenting older children

Week 5 Discussions: Parenting older children Consider the following scenario:  You are a working single parent of a 16-year-old son and a 13-year-old daughter. Your son has an 11 PM curfew on weekends, but recently, he has been ignoring curfew and coming home after midnight. When you try to address this with him, he either … Read more

Discussion Question 2: Contemplating Your Future

Background: The NASW Code of Ethics makes a number of statements about social workers responsibility to study, use, and engage in research and evaluation. In the past, many social workers had difficulty thinking of themselves as knowledgeable and capable in research, despite completing the required research course in school. Think of yourself as a part … Read more

Short Reaction Paper

Watch one of the following documentaries and write a 2.5 page reaction paper.  A reaction paper is a document where you write about the subject and your reaction to it, not a paper where you re-cap the documentary. Reaction paper specs: 2.5 pages, double spaced, times new roman, 12 pt. Documentary Choices Cowspiracy (Netflix) Missrepresentation … Read more

Sociology quiz (4 questions)

1. Define the Sociological Imagination in your own words. Then explain how this concept can help us understand school shootings. Discuss one sociological concept that can also help us uncover complexities related to this problem from  Be sure to include specific reference to the New Yorker article by Malcom Gladwell  2. How can our understanding … Read more


The information for most organizations can be accessed online at their websites, but you may need to contact some of them.  Please use the list below to guide your research about the organizations you selected. But write a coherent, well-organized essay, not lists of answers to the questions below.  Provide detailed information, use complete sentences, … Read more

Social Work Program Analysis

  Assignment 3: Program Analysis – (Competencies 5 7) This assignment is due April 6, 2021 Develop a two page paper (typed and double-spaced) that demonstrates your understanding of service delivery, the role of policy in service delivery, and the role of practice in policy development. Also, describe the appropriate social welfare programs which are … Read more