If you were starting a business that required you to hire new personnel, would diversity be a priority?

BUS475 week#7 Diversity in the work environment promotes acceptance, respect, and teamwork despite differences in race, age, gender, language, political beliefs, religion, sexual orientation, communication styles, and other differences. Discuss the following: If you were starting a business that required you to hire new personnel, would diversity be a priority? How important would it be … Read more

Analysis on the Effects of Population Growth

Overview Imagine you have been hired as a consultant for the United Nations. You have been asked to write an analysis on how global population growth has caused the following problem and how it affects a developing country of your choosing: A growing global population that consumes natural resources is partially to blame for the … Read more

I need someone write 400 to 600 words

Review the attached article (Mistaking Africa… and the TED Talk ( https://www.ted.com/talks/chimamanda_ngozi_adichie_the_danger_of_a_single_story?utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare#t-99851 )on the Danger of a Single Story)  and write based on them.”Response integrates an outside resource, or relevant research, to support important points. Well-edited quotes are cited appropriately. No more than 10% ofthe answers is a directquotation.”


For each of video journal entry, you should write one long paragraph summarizing the main points of the video and one long paragraph of commentary.  Your commentary must make explicit connections between the video(s) and the readings.  Please follow this format for each journal entry:   Name of Video:  Summary:  Commentary:  Entries that do not follow … Read more

short question

   The Instructions for your reflection assignments is in your course syllabus. But, I will restate some of that here. Your reflection assignment should be 100-150 words in length and you should do your assignment in a Word document using 12 font and double spaced. No references are necessary in these assignments as they are … Read more

Discussion Question

                  In total, you must submit a minimum of 1,000 words.    Why is the culture of slavery so important to understanding the current culture/conditions of Blacks in the USA? Define and Discuss racism in America. Who can be racist in America and why? Why is it so hard to remove racism from the psyche and … Read more

Present Factors that contributed to your selection of social work as a major. Describe past work experiences, leadership, and volunteer activities, describe your support system, identify your potential strengths and growth areas.

past work experience: member at sonic(2017) crew leader at sonic (2018), manager at sonic (2020-present), FedEx employee (2021). volunteer activities: volunteering at a career fair, donating clothes and women hygiene items. Support system: my mom and dad arent really there but my aunts always kept me 10 toes and were always there at important events, … Read more

Present Factors that contributed to your selection of social work as a major. Describe past work experiences, leadership, and volunteer activities, describe your support system, identify your potential strengths and growth areas.

past work experience: member at sonic(2017) crew leader at sonic (2018), manager at sonic (2020-present), FedEx employee (2021). volunteer activities: volunteering at a career fair, donating clothes and women hygiene items. Support system: my mom and dad arent really there but my aunts always kept me 10 toes and were always there at important events, … Read more

Ethical Considerations for Human Services Organizations

 In this assignment, you will develop your case on the human services problem you selected to study for your course project: chronic homelessness, child abuse and neglect, or health care for aged and disabled persons. Assignment Instructions For this paper, address the following: Discuss the components of your chosen community problem [1 page]. Introduce the … Read more


  Required Readings Required Media Optional Resources Optional Media     Discussion 2: Trauma and Comorbidity It is not uncommon for people who experience trauma to use substances to moderate psychological or emotional pain. Trauma can easily add to the strain that people already feel. In this Discussion, you diagnose and plan treatment for a case provided by your … Read more