
  Learning Resources Required Readings Bartol, C. R., & Bartol, A. (2017). Criminal behavior: A psychological approach (11th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.Chapter 8, Crime and Mental Disorders (pp. 213-243) Discussion: Mental Disorders and Criminal Behavior In order to understand the interplay between mental disorder and criminal behavior, it is first important … Read more


  Learning Resources Required Readings Required Media Optional Resources Optional Media Discussion 1: Evidence-Based Interventions Used in Trauma Individuals can experience trauma from public events at the national level or extremely private ones at the interpersonal level. In this Discussion, you analyze these two types of trauma, describing potential interventions and their effectiveness. To prepare: … Read more

Soc 110 week 4 managing team RESOURCES

-Your team has been humming along for a little over a week now. The conflicts that appeared last week seem to have subsided. However, your supervisor has just informed you that the deadline for completing your team’s goal has been moved up by two weeks. You now have less time to complete the same amount … Read more

Essay Prompt

Scientific research on human development shapes public opinion and public policy. It provides support for editorial articles; it is cited by lawyers petitioning the Supreme Court; and it is the basis for policy decisions that influence the distribution of funds to educational and social programs. Political considerations often play the biggest role in policy decision, … Read more


 For this assignment, address the following prompts: Introductory paragraph to topic about unemployment. Write an introductory paragraph with at least 150 words that clearly explains the topic, the importance of further research, and ethical implications. My thesis statement:  Unemployment and lack of economic opportunity have social consequences creating anxiety and added stress because it allows … Read more

Sociology 450

   Analysis on the Effects of Population GrowthOverviewImagine you have been hired as a consultant for the United Nations. You have been asked to write an analysis on how global population growth has caused the following problem and how it affects a developing country of your choosing:A growing global population that consumes natural resources is … Read more

Kim Woods only

Statistical Decisions Model It is clear from the material in this course that descriptive and inferential statistics play a critical role in research in the behavioral and social sciences. Since you will further your education via coursework and application in your respective fields, it is important to reflect on the knowledge you have gained and … Read more

Kim Woods only

Research Consumers While your application and evaluation of research design and statistics in this course has been in the context of peer-reviewed journal articles and research, most of the research you will encounter outside of your formal studies will be in the context of lay sources newspapers, popular press, Facebook threads/posts, cable news shows and … Read more

SOCW 6121 Week 9 – Discussion: Positive Regard

   Discussion: Positive Regard Carl Rogers, a humanistic psychologist, believed that individuals must feel accepted for who they are in order to have a high level of self-worth (Farber & Doolin, 2011). Rogers coined the term positive regard to explain this concept of feeling accepted. Also, he believed that positive regard is essential to personal … Read more