HUM 5010 / 4

  Prior to beginning work on this learning activity, Read Chapter 2 in the assigned text and LoPatin-Lummis . If you want to dive further, check Loiaconos in the Recommended Resources section this week. Historically, poverty has been the impetus for developing a social welfare system and related policies. Beginning in the 11th century, create … Read more

Soc 101 Discussion 1

Dear Students, You have access to the online textbook on “Modules.” Here is URL to our textbook too: After you reviewing Chapter One,  please answer following questions. 1. What is sociology all about? 2. Who are some of the main sociologists discussed in the text, and what are their theories? _____________________________________________ You are required to … Read more

Soc 101 assignment 1

Dear Students, Watch the following Youtube presentation by Dr. Lori Peek and answer the following two questions: Explain the science of sociology based on what you learned from this video (only). A. What is the analogy of “looking down from a 14th floor building in NY”  B. What does she mean by comparing a bicycle … Read more

Need Sociology Major for Question

Around 350 words.  Question is as follows:  Option 1: Contrast looksism and extreme body modification. What are the main differences? Then, analyze how the path of resistance or internalization might play out for a person falling into the category of looksism, and a person falling into the category of extreme body modification.