Assignment: Week 2 Blog

Refer to the topics covered in this week’s resources and incorporate them into your blog. By Day 3 Post a blog post that includes: An explanation of potential challenges in adhering to confidentiality in your field education experience A description of agency policies or mandates with regard to confidentiality An explanation of potential challenges in … Read more

Week 3 final project

Final Project Use the appropriate descriptive statistics from W2 Project or run new descriptive statistics for Recall1 using Microsoft Excel. Assuming that the sample statistics you computed are exactly equivalent to the corresponding population parameters, and using the formula X = (z)(sd) + M (see below) identify the following: The exact score on Recall1 that … Read more


  The Assignment (12 pages): Identify and describe your personal professional goals and objectives within the parameters of the field education experience. Explain how your personal professional goals and objectives that you identified might be reflected in your agency learning agreement.

Team question

X-Team Paper Students will continue their analysis of the team they selected to complete their Team Analysis Paper by creating an X-Team. To do this analysis, students will apply the principles from X-Teams: How to Build Teams That Lead, Innovate, and Succeed to the team analyzed for the Team Analysis Paper. Students will provide a … Read more

Mental health assessment tools

In a 750-1,000-word essay, select two assessment tools that mental health professionals use to assess anxiety. Be sure to address the following in your essay: How does anxiety impact the body, mind, and spirit of an individual? What are the basic features of each assessment tool you are analyzing? In what ways are they similar?  … Read more

mental health and wellness

MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS 3 DB1 Describe one evidenced-based practice (EBP) that mental health professionals use to support and address the symptoms associated with trauma or anxiety. Distinguish the EBP you are describing from the other EBPs posted by your classmates. How might your selected EBP be helpful in your future work? 3 DB 2 … Read more

Discussion Board

Below are some questions to help guide your discussion on the oppression of individuals who are LGBTQQIPA2+. Provide answers to each question below. Identify 3 take-aways (important things to remember) from this week’s recorded lecture and explain how you will apply these reminders in social work practice. In the video, Heteronormativity – Today’s Homophobia, how does the … Read more

Issue Paper

Criteria for Assignment:   The Paper must be typed, double spaced, and use a font comparable to Times Roman 12. Total length should be approx. 7-8 pages. Choose a social problem. Present the nature and scope of the problem in your introduction, which should include statistics and information regarding the issue in the United States.Use … Read more

Assignment: Interview Question on Patriotism and Military History

  Assignment: Interview Question on Patriotism and Military History There are many rituals in the military that are highly symbolic such as the Tomb of the Unknowns or the Funeral Flag. These have long and significant histories that are not known to many. Those that do know the histories recognize the significance and honor that … Read more

New eyes

For this assignment, you will assume the social identity of a White American person. Locate a media clip (video, blog entry, social media post, commercial, etc.) that illustrates one (or more) of the theories or principles of diversity in organizations related to White American people’s experiences in organizations. The specific media you select does not … Read more