Weekly Listening Assignment Week 3

Anthony Braxton   Art Ensemble of Chicago     Nicole Mitchell   Requirement of Assignment: (At least 550 words) After listening to these songs, write down the feelings after listening to them and analyze those songs, and don’t forgot write work cited.

Analysis of a Policy

  Address the following items within a 2-3 page paper: Evaluate the policy’s strengths and weaknesses. What is working? What is not working? How will changing this policy affect clinical social workers or the clients of clinical social workers? Provide an update on the advocacy activities your proposed in the Week 6 Assignment.

styles of leadership

 You must have 10 scholarly articles that are within the last 10 years. Scholarly articles are peer reviewed and can be found via the APU/AMU library. You do not submit the annotated bibliography as part of the final paper. You do use properly formatted references for the reference page. 2. Follow the detailed outline that … Read more

Ethics, Law and Cybersecurity

Instructions:  There are two (2) topic areas listed below that are designed to measure your knowledge level specific to learning outcome (LO 3) shown in your course syllabus.  Please provide appropriate responses in essay form for both.  In most cases the topic area has several components. Each must be addressed to properly satisfy requirements. State-wide … Read more

SOCW 6070 WK 9 Discussion 1: Funding through Grants

   SOCW 6070 WK 9 Discussion 1: Funding through Grants Budgeting in human services organizations brings about many challenges. Human services agencies must be creative in managing their budget due to the increased demands on the agency and the needs of the clients and stakeholders. There are many legal, contractual, and other requirements under the … Read more

A Disease of Obsession

  Submit a 2- page paperthat addresses the following: Provide two examples of how symptoms of a co-occurring disorder may influence efforts to stop the abuse of a substance. Describe the symptoms and how substance abuse or an addictive behavior might temporarily counteract the symptoms of the co-occurring disorder. Explain how the development of a … Read more

Journal entry 2

Before completing this Journal reflection, be sure you have watched the NPR podcast interview with Dr. Chenjerai Kumanyika that is posted in this module. Then, reflect on the following questions in your journal entry, writing at least one full paragraph for each question. The interview with Dr. Chenjerai Kumanyika provides context for policing in the … Read more


  Discussion: Mental Disorders and Criminal Behavior In order to understand the interplay between mental disorder and criminal behavior, it is first important to define mental disorder. A general definition of mental disorder (also termed mental illness or mental disease) is a condition that impairs a persons normal thoughts, emotions, and/or behaviors. The tendency to connect mental disorder and criminal … Read more


  Assignment: Female Offenders The 2013 FBI Uniform Crime Report, Crime in the United States, 2012 (n.d.), indicates that females accounted for about 26.2% of arrestees for 2012. The mid-year 2010 Bureau of Justice Statistics (Minton, 2011) report also indicates that 12.3% of incarcerated offenders were female. While these numbers are rather small compared to … Read more


  Discussion 2: Trauma and Comorbidity It is not uncommon for people who experience trauma to use substances to moderate psychological or emotional pain. Trauma can easily add to the strain that people already feel. In this Discussion, you diagnose and plan treatment for a case provided by your instructor. To prepare: Review the Learning Resources on trauma treatment, including additional … Read more