First homework For the claim below: a) List the variable(s) involved in the claim. b) Write one question for each of the 4 validities, as relevant. You are not answering the questions yet–just a

First  homework For the claim below:  a) List the variable(s) involved in the claim.  b) Write one question for each of the 4 validities, as relevant. You are not answering the questions yet–just asking questions that would be appropriate for each validity. Claim: “Giving kids sips of beer turns them into teenage drunks” second homework

Franz Fanon’s chapter, “On violence” utilizes a post-colonial Marxist critique to describe what he see’s as the colonial situation and the ongoing need for revolution for colonized and oppressed subje

Franz Fanon’s chapter, “On violence” utilizes a post-colonial Marxist critique to describe what he see’s as the colonial situation and the ongoing need for revolution for colonized and oppressed subjects.  Use the entire chapter “On Violence” to describe the conditions of oppression that Fanon says face colonized subjects and the mechanisms of revolution that he … Read more

The Week 3 readings discussed types of ways in which we aquire knowledge (others, experience, observation, etc…). Knowledge that comes from others includes the types of information and beliefs that

The Week 3 readings discussed types of ways in which we aquire knowledge (others, experience, observation, etc…).  Knowledge that comes from others includes the types of information and beliefs that stem from larger social and cultural ideologies (belief systems) that have been passed down over time.   Post-Colonial Theory has been utilized by writers and thinkers … Read more

Utilize the articles, ‘On the Run’ and ‘Black Life Annotated’, to discuss your thoughts on the benefits and dangers of ethnographic research. In this response think about the distinctions between qua

Utilize the articles, ‘On the Run’ and ‘Black Life Annotated’, to  discuss your thoughts on the benefits and dangers of ethnographic research. In this response think about the distinctions between quantitative and qualitative research.  Write about why you think the article “On The Run” is important as well as your thoughts on the validity of Christina … Read more

Research question: You will develop a research question of your choice and investigate it in an observational study. This study will involve observing behavior in public settings (in person or online)

Research question: You will develop a research question of your choice and investigate it in an observational study. This study will involve observing behavior in public settings (in person or online), in which the participants will not have any reasonable expectation of privacy. You will not interact with the participants in any way; you will … Read more

Worksheet #2 – GDP versus Well-being – What does the data tell us about sustainable development? I want someone to answer all my questions about New Zealand and, There is no longer a time series for

Worksheet #2 – GDP versus Well-being – What does the data tell us about sustainable development?  I want someone to answer all my questions about New Zealand and, There is no longer a time series for “food prices.” changed slightly Instead of food prices, please use “cost of living” to develop the graphs you are … Read more

1.3 Basics Refreshers “There are three types of lies: lies, damn lies, and Statistics.” (Benjamin Disraeli) This section is designed to refresh your memory. The concepts we review in this section are

1.3 Basics Refreshers “There are three types of lies: lies, damn lies, and Statistics.” (Benjamin Disraeli) This section is designed to refresh your memory. The concepts we review in this section are not new to you. In fact, you were probably first introduced to these concepts in middle school. Although this work is familiar, we … Read more

Part I DropBox for Culture and Climate Assignment After viewing the video on culture and climate, and reading the information in Chapter 5 of your textbook, answer the following question: How do core

Part I DropBox for Culture and Climate Assignment After viewing the video on culture and climate, and reading the information in Chapter 5 of your textbook, answer the following question: How do core values create the climate or perception of the school? You should write 1 to 1 1/2 and a half pages explaining the … Read more

MS Accountability Standards Discussion and Reflective Activity Link to MS Standard: Re

MS Accountability Standards Discussion and Reflective Activity Link to MS Standard: Reflection and Discussion: (a) After reviewing the MS Accountability Standards, what are your 3 biggest “takeaways” as a current teacher and aspiring administrator?  Why? (b) Why is it critical for an administrator to have a thorough understanding of this document? All discussion post … Read more