Lesson 13 Discussion post https://www.socialworker.com/feature-articles/practice/The_Importance_of_Closure/ https://www.bu.edu/ssw/files/2017/07/Gelman-et-al-Challenging-Endings-First-Year-MSW-Interns

Lesson 13 Discussion post https://www.socialworker.com/feature-articles/practice/The_Importance_of_Closure/ https://www.bu.edu/ssw/files/2017/07/Gelman-et-al-Challenging-Endings-First-Year-MSW-Interns-Experiences-with-forced-termination-and-discussion-points-for-supervisory-guidance.pdf After reviewing the information about termination, please consider the following questions for this discussion post: What does a Social Worker need to be aware of when it comes time for termination with a client? What would be some of the benefits/challenges to the different types of termination (forced, planned, … Read more

Watch the Discussion video. https://youtu.be/_wFZ5Dbj8DA?si=adEchhU0eONWaAZL Discussion 2: Does Our Behavior Change When We Are in Different Social Groups? Length must be at least 2 five sentence pa

Watch the Discussion video. https://youtu.be/_wFZ5Dbj8DA?si=adEchhU0eONWaAZL Discussion 2: Does Our Behavior Change When We Are in Different Social Groups? Length must be at least 2 five sentence paragraphs.  You need to relate the video to key sociological concepts in your text book or power points.  Please avoid opinions in your responses. This is not a blog or a … Read more

1.Paper Stage I: Submit Topic and conduct initial Literature Search for Issue BriefChoose Topic and Conduct initial Literature SearchPick one topic from any of the areas below or suggest own topic dem

1.Paper Stage I: Submit Topic and conduct initial Literature Search for Issue BriefChoose Topic and Conduct initial Literature SearchPick one topic from any of the areas below or suggest own topic demographics, e.g., race/ethnicity, youth, older adults, immigrants co-morbidities, e.g., diabetes, tobacco users, mental health, heart disease situations, e.g., pollution, malnutrition, impact quarantine Use Medline, … Read more

Copy paste the YouTube link below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bovfmAZZMc choose one of those families to focus on. Pretend you are a social worker at the Community Mental Health Center featured

Copy paste the YouTube link below.  choose one of those families to focus on. Pretend you are a social worker at the Community Mental Health Center featured in the video, and this family was referred to you by the group facilitator for family services as a follow up to their daughter’s group completion. Your job is … Read more

1. ECO 2301-21.01.01-2B24-S1, Principles of Microeconomics Unit IV Journal Assignment Content The purpose of this assignment is to identify the factors that led to an increase in oil prices. Ple

1.       ECO 2301-21.01.01-2B24-S1, Principles of Microeconomics Unit IV Journal Assignment Content The purpose of this assignment is to identify the factors that led to an increase in oil prices. Please read an article on the topic in The Wall Street Journal or any other scholarly reference and address the following points: Your journal should consist of a minimum … Read more

Answer questions Question 2 List and define three components of the balance sheet. Your response must be at least 75 words in length. Question 3 Describe the differences between financial and ma

 Answer questions   Question 2 List and define three components of the balance sheet. Your response must be at least 75 words in length. Question 3 Describe the differences between financial and managerial accounting. Your response must be at least 75 words in length. 1.       ECO 2301-21.01.01-2B24-S1, Principles of Microeconomics Discussion Topic Please note that there … Read more

The Ruby Red Movie Theater in town is in jeopardy of having to close its doors because it is unable to generate enough total revenue. In an effort to generate more revenue, the movie theater manager d

The Ruby Red Movie Theater in town is in jeopardy of having to close its doors because it is unable to generate enough total revenue. In an effort to generate more revenue, the movie theater manager decided to change the prices this month for drinks, popcorn, candy, hot dogs, and movie tickets. The manager would … Read more

Focused Reading Reflection 2 LINK: https://www.mediafire.com/file/fanzu0rzkdvh8h2/Before+Breakfast_On+the+Weekends.mp4/file As you conclude your readings on What the Most Successful People Do Before B

Focused Reading Reflection 2 LINK: https://www.mediafire.com/file/fanzu0rzkdvh8h2/Before+Breakfast_On+the+Weekends.mp4/file As you conclude your readings on What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast, think reflectively on the following areas as you prepare your Focused Reading Reflection.  Use the bold phrases below as your Level 1 APA headings for your paper. Core Competencies:  So much of this book, as the … Read more

Purpose: This assignment affords students the opportunity to critically analyze how persons with substance use disorders or other behavioral addictions are portrayed in film and literature and begin t

Purpose: This assignment affords students the opportunity to critically analyze how persons with substance use disorders or other behavioral addictions are portrayed in film and literature and begin to conceptualize, analyze, and present the case with evidence-based literature. This will be a valuable skill in a staffing setting and to diagnose and formalize a direction … Read more

Purpose: This assignment affords students the opportunity to critically analyze how persons with substance use disorders or other behavioral addictions are portrayed in film and literature and begin t

Purpose: This assignment affords students the opportunity to critically analyze how persons with substance use disorders or other behavioral addictions are portrayed in film and literature and begin to conceptualize, analyze, and present the case with evidence-based literature. This will be a valuable skill in a staffing setting and to diagnose and formalize a direction … Read more