Think of a culture you are a part of -no matter how niche or specific- and explain how it functions using at least 3 of the 12 points above?

As you read in the course lectures, CULTURE ISA set of attitudes, behaviors, and symbols shared by a large group of people and usually communicated from one generation to the next. Culture is used in every aspect of our lives The meaning of culture is relative Culture is an abstraction Culture is learned NOT innate … Read more

Research and Acceptable Scholarly Sources

Post properly formatted APA references for two journal article sources that you will use in your literature review next week. Include a quick mention of the topic and a short defense of why you want to use these two sources. Imagine that if you do not defend your use of them well enough, you will … Read more

Disability Studies DQ 4

   Choose three resources of particular interest to you and for each of the three, answer the following: A. Why is this particular disability of interest to you? B. Summarize the key points of the article. C. Ask your classmates a question based on the content of each of the three articles Required references: … Read more

WK2 SOCW6111 (Part 2)

Consider this scenario: You receive a hotline call at your mental health agency from a client requesting a same-day appointment. You are the only social worker available to work with clients at the time, as your coworker is out of town on vacation for 10 days. A 15-year-old boy struggling with depression (no suicidal ideation) … Read more

WK2 SOCW6111

Social workers are bound by the NASW Code of Ethics (2021) to provide informed consent with every client. A signed informed consent form protects the client and the social worker. It exemplifies the professions respect for its clients, allows for self-determination, and is the cornerstone of good social work practice. Sometimes, though, reporting of confidential … Read more


  Role of the Health Care Administrator PresentationIntroductionBy now you know that administrative responsibilities in health care facilities are managed by professionals who oversee medical facility processes, have in-depth knowledge of regulatory requirements, and have a thorough understanding of the complexities involved in patient care. Drawing upon what you have learned in this course, imagine … Read more


You are to write a five-page research paper on one of the following topics.   The five pages are in addition to the title page, reference page, and abstract. You Must Use the APA style of writing.  This is the American Psychological Style of Writing.  You can find this online.   Be sure to cite your sources. … Read more


   Article Review on Malnutrition/Obesity and Improving Outcomes Research Journal Article Choose a research article from a nursing/nutritional journal that explores the issue of strategies to improve health related outcomes regarding obesity/malnutrition in our society today. Below are a few suggestions you might consider.  This can include: 1. What are barriers to a healthy nutritional … Read more

working parents

   List the advantages and the disadvantages to both the parent and the child in homes where either both parents or the custodial parent in single-parent households work(s) outside the home. What does peer reviewed research say regarding how this family atmosphere affects childrens schoolwork and school discipline? one reference

learned optimism

   Seligman’s theory of learned helplessness often results in depression and is caused by growing up in a chronically unhealthy or dangerous environment. Growing up in a culture in which one is nearly constantly faced with racism, sexism, poverty, and other social injustices is a risk factor for worse mental health outcomes throughout the lifespan. … Read more