I need the following questions answered in 200-250 words each and please provide each question with its own references. No plagiarism please!   The Book Reading for the Assignments are Attached.                                                                                 ETHICS Discussion Question Review 2.6.3 “The Alcoholic in the Workplace Case” on pages 33-37. Discuss what you would do if you were Frank’s supervisor? … Read more


  The Book Reading for these Assignments is Attached Lesson 4 Discussion A On one page, discuss your views on the four types of public relief used throughout the state of New York during the early 1800s.  Are there any you would keep and use today? (120-150 Words). Lesson 4 Discussion B On one page, discuss … Read more


The Book Reading and the Assessments & the Client Treatment Plan Paperwork for Completion in these Assignments is also Attached Lesson 7 Discussion Josephine is a 45-year-old, female who has been admitted to the hospital after her husband found her passed out in bed with an open medication bottle next to her. You receive a … Read more


  The Book Reading is Attached Discussion Question Review 2.6.3 “The Alcoholic in the Workplace Case” on pages 33-37. Discuss what you would do if you were Frank’s supervisor? Make your point using what you have learned in this class up to this point. The goal of this discussion is to apply ethical concepts that have … Read more

lorem, Ipusm

 Please write a minimum one and a half page double spaced document on Nature v Nurture.  Define each concept, compare/contrast the concepts and give an example of each concept.  In your final paragraph, state which concept you agree with and why.  If you believe in a combination of both, please state your reason.  

Disability Studies DQ 3

  1. Have you or someone close to you every experienced stigmatization related to disability or other reason? If so, what type of stigma? What are (were) the individual as well as public consequences? 2. Chose at least two of this week’s resources which are of particular interest to you. Briefly summarize the main points in … Read more

socw 6500

Goals are more than a list, and setting goals is an intentional process. But how do you move from an abstract concept to something more concrete? Consider the concept of SMART goals. SMART is an acronym for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. SMART goals guide you toward mastery of the practice behaviors within your … Read more

socw 6301 assignment week 2

A research topic can come from many different sources. For some social workers, it starts with a nagging question or obsession that just wont leave them. For others, it is a noticeable gap in the social work knowledge base, which they discover through immersing themselves in the literature. For still others, it is a practice … Read more