Intervention and Monitoring

   Times New Roman, 12pnt font, 1 page plus reference page, American literature in Social Work Incorporate the use of psychoanalytic or person-centered counseling based on the above situation: Provide a diagnosis for Oliver, including the diagnostic criteria, and the matching circumstances from the scenario about Oliver that demonstrate the criteria. Identify the theory (psychoanalytic … Read more

Working with women

  Times New Romans, 12pt, 1 page, separate with reference/s, American literature in the are of Social Work Explain the following questions based on the reading below and other sources How do you define the oppression of women?  Apply the empowerment framework in working with Jean or other female clients? What are the key issues to … Read more

SOCW6362 Final Project

Project: Final Project: Culture, Advocacy, and Sexual Practices For this assignment, you design a 1 hour psychoeducation training on a topic of your choosing related to sexuality. You may choose to develop a presentation on any topic related to human sexuality but must include a discussion of cultural diversity and advocacy as related to that … Read more

Policy Analysis

  If you do not work in the industry or do not have access to a health care policy, use the   to complete this assignment. Then follow these assignment instructions:  As you can see, this policy was written in 2012. Now, imagine you are a health care administrator working at the health care organization where … Read more

homework 2

  Please read the scenario below and answer the following questions: You are a Behavioral Health Specialist embedded within a PCP office. The patients in this clinic are a mixture of pediatrics and adults. Due to the recent news of the increase number of COVID-19 cases, the PCP has been urging its unvaccinated patients to … Read more

WK 10 SOCW6362

Sexual trauma is different for each individual who survives it. Some individuals experience trauma as children, whereas others are adult survivors. Some clients may be very communicative about their trauma, while others may have difficulty talking about it at all. Helping professionals who work with traumatic sexual abuse survivors must take these individual differences into … Read more

Wk 10 Peer responses

   Wk 10 Peer responses  Respond to the blog posts of three colleagues in one or more of the following ways: Must respond to each peer individually intext citations and references: Validate an idea in your colleagues post with your own experience. Share an insight from having read your colleagues posting. Expand on your colleagues … Read more

SOCW 6530 WK 11 Final Evaluation and Self-Assessment

   SOCW 6530 WK 11 Final Evaluation and Self-Assessment Throughout the past nine weeks, you have had the ability to apply social work practice skills in a real-world setting. At the end of your placement, your supervisor completed a final evaluation of your practice skills. Having had the chance to review your final evaluation, you … Read more

Healthcare Podcasts

Search credible websites for a podcast on a specific health problem in Africa. Provide the link to the podcast. Then in 300-400 words, describe your thoughts on this healthcare issue. What is the impact on the population of Africa because of this health problem? Were you aware of this health problem prior to reviewing the … Read more

India’s Healthcare System

 In 200-300 words, describe Indias health system in terms of cost, quality, and access to care referencing three scholarly sources in APA style. Then in 100 words, describe why you chose those three sources (Why that source provides the best information about Indias healthcare).