Policy Paper Analysis and Recommendations for Change

  Submit an integrated 5-8 pp. (not counting references), double-spaced paper incorporating a focused policy analysis and recommendations for improving the selected policy.  The paper should build on the five short paper assignments completed earlier (but should not simply be a “cut and paste” of the earlier work).  Include the following components (numbered headings are … Read more

SOCW 6311 WK 6 responses

   SOCW 6311 WK 6 responses  Respond to at least two colleagues each one has to be answered separately name first then response  Bottom of Form Respond to at least two colleagues by doing all of the following: Identify the stage or stages of the program to which your colleagues selected question relates. Suggest an … Read more

Assignment 2: Process Recordings

A process recording is a written tool used by field education experience students, field instructors, and faculty to examine the dynamics of social work interactions in time. Process recordings can help in developing and refining interviewing and intervention skills. By conceptualizing and organizing ongoing activities with social work clients, you are able to clarify the … Read more

race&ethnicity 2-3 pages paper

Assignment 1: Reflections on Race and Racialization This assignment asks you to produce 2 double-spaced pages of writing in which you share your beliefs, experiences, questions, suggestions, and/or reactions to issues of issues of race and racialization covered thus far in the lectures, sections, readings, and videos. This write-up must have a descriptive title (a … Read more

Assignment 1: Week 6 Blog

Consider the topics covered in this weeks resources and incorporate them into your blog. By Day 3 Post a blog post that includes: Any legal considerations during your field education experience that you may have had to address or that you might address An explanation of potential challenges in adhering to legal considerations during your … Read more

SOCW 6210

  Theories of successful aging explain factors that support individuals as they grow old, contributing to their ability to function. Increasing your understanding of factors that support successful aging improves your ability to address the needs of elderly clients and their families. To prepare for this Discussion, review this week’s media. In addition, select a … Read more

SOCW 6351

  Cultures, regardless of where they are or how long ago they existed, share a few common characteristics. Among these characteristics is a structure to care for their children and to socialize them in the culture. Children are taught, both directly and indirectly, the values of the culture, their role in the culture, and the … Read more


  An essential aspect of social work practice is the support and preservation of the family unit. Building and empowering strong, resilient families is a focus of social work practice within organizations and communities. Social work research is an integral aspect of working with families. The research component of social work is essential to providing … Read more