The death of a loved one is a significant event that everyone experiences. An individual’s social environment, including societal and familial cultural factors, may influence how an individual approaches death or grieves the loss of someone else who dies. You can anticipate addressing grief in your social work practice and, therefore, should develop an … Read more

Week 6 Blog

Post a blog post that includes: Any legal considerations during your field education experience that you may have had to address or that you might address An explanation of potential challenges in adhering to legal considerations during your field education experience

Discussion and Research Paper

Discussion 1: Color (Advantages and Disadvantages)   For this discussion, please use your weekly readings to compose a response to the following prompt/question(s): What are the advantages and disadvantages of the usage of color in data visualizations?  Provide at least three advantages and three disadvantages.  Why do you consider each an advantage and disadvantage? Discussion … Read more


  Watch: a) KING TUT – PBS Special AND b) 10 Sacred Native American Places  1) How is the relationship between politics, religion and art exemplified in Ancient Egypt? Please be specific. (4 points) 2) Choose three Native American sites mentioned in the video, and indicate their location, and provide a brief description. (3 points) … Read more


  The death of an elderly individual may occur in a variety of settings and circumstances. For example, an individual may die painlessly at home surrounded by the support of many loved ones, or an individual may suffer severe pain for months before dying in a health facility with little social support. In addition, it … Read more

SOCW 6210 discussion

  As individuals grow older, they experience biological changes, but how they experience these changes varies considerably. Senescence, or the process of aging, “affects different people, and various parts of the body, at different rates” (Zastrow & Kirst-Ashman, 2019, p. 644). What factors affect the aging process? Why do some individuals appear to age faster … Read more

SOCW 6311 wk 6 assignment: Developing a Program Evaluation

   SOCW 6311 wk 6 assignment: Developing a Program Evaluation To ensure the success of a program evaluation, a social worker must generate a specific detailed plan. That plan should describe the goal of the evaluation, the information needed, and the methods and analysis to be used. In addition, the plan should identify and address … Read more

Families Coping with Chronic & Terminal Illness

 This question needs to be placed on a power point slide: So please complete it as such. The topic is : Families Coping with Chronic & Terminal Illness  (Assessment as a social worker) One Peer review Journal What are the assessment considerations when working with families who have the problem described?


 Based on what you now know about how you learn best, write about 5 learning styles that enhance your learning and understanding.   It should include:                          Things that you will do to make learning easier and more efficient (5)             Who you will have as your support team when things get rough? Need … Read more

Juvenile Delinquency

Review the following case. Summarize the findings in 2-3 paragraphs.  In re Gault, 387 US 1 (1967). Retrieved from . Question: What is a status offense? Why are they only prevalent in juvenile law? Cite Sources. Do not copy and paste, it will be counted as plagiarism.