Child Abuse in Nigeria: The case of Domestic House-helps

Introduction of research topic and research methodology  Literature review Research design and ethical considerations  Method of data collection and data analysis  Conceptual framework Discussion of planned data analysis  Conclusion: Summary of proposal and recommendations (about 300 words) Appendix Harvard Reference with in-text citations (including page numbers used) Use peer-reviewed articles  5000 words

Chapt 7 – , Sociology In Our Times

1. Define the following: a. Meritocracy b. Feminization of poverty c. Pink collar work d. Absolute poverty 2. How does Symbolic Interactionist theory explain inequality in the United States? 3. How does stratification relate to socialization considering intra and inter generational mobility? 4. Discuss the theoretical similarities and differences of Karl Marx and Max Weber … Read more

SOCW 6311 WK 5 responses

   SOCW 6311 WK 5 responses  Respond to at least two colleagues each one has to be answered separately name first then response  Bottom of Form Respond to at least two colleagues by doing all of the following: Respond to at least 2 of your colleagues and elaborate on their recommendations for cultural adaptation with … Read more

Rosa Lee’s Story – Assessment Assignment

  you will write a comprehensive bio-psycho-social assessment.  This assessment will be multi-dimensional and will use a strengths-based approach. Including a three generational, at minimal, genogram. Part 1 will include demographics, presenting information and a comprehensive social multi-dimensional social history.  Part 2 will incorporate the content from Part 1 and will add a comprehensive case plan. Your case … Read more

Assignment 2: Policy Identification

my Internship is at Jasmine Trangucci Clinical Social Worker in Private Practice NY.  Place in Located in Brooklyn New York According to the Council on Social Work Education, Competency 5: Engage in Policy Practice: Social workers understand that human rights and social justice, as well as social welfare and services, are mediated by policy and … Read more

Assignment 1: Week 5 Blog

Consider the topics covered in this weeks resources and incorporate them into your blog. By Day 3 Post a blog post that includes: An explanation of organizational policy in your field education experience my Internship is at Jasmine Trangucci Clinical Social Worker in Private Practice NY Required Readings Birkenmaier, J., & Berg-Weger, M. (2018). The … Read more


As you know, participation in research is voluntary, we cannot force you to participate. If you are unable to participate in research, or you do not choose to participate in research, you may complete this alternative assignment.  Guidelines and instructions for alternative assignment: 

Analysis & Reflection Paper + PPT

Do not start working on it please since I am not sure about the requirement yet. In the attached files, “Getting to Yes” is the text book, “Analysis and Reflection Paper #3 Guidelines” is the requirements. Please also read the other files as examples and rubrics to have a better idea how to ace the … Read more

observation journal

 I am needing a 2-page journal written based on my first project. It will need to be in APA format and contain at least two citations. I will provide the rubric, a copy of my first project, and a sample of how the journal should be. 

Diagnosis and Best Practices Essay

In a 500-750-word essay, select one holistic treatment modality and one conventional best practice that mental health professionals could use for treating a patient with depression. Outline the details of each and how they together would benefit the patient.   Include at least two scholarly sources. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the … Read more