Week 6 final project

Due March 29 at 11:59 PM Final Project For this assignment, use data you downloaded in your W1 Project. Suppose you have information that the average stress score of students in online universities is 13.15. Using Microsoft Excel, compute a one-sample t-test to find out whether the stress scores reported by your sample are significantly different … Read more

Reflective Journal: Ethics

 Write a reflective journal entry regarding current events that relate to the field of Human Services.  Students are to reflect weekly on something that is happening in the world that relates to the field. Topic:  Ethics minimum of 250 words

Discussion Board: Ethical Issues

 You must create one original post weekly based on the reading, video, article, etc. / 250 words minimum for the original post  Topic:   “Watch this video on the case involving James Holmes, the Colorado theater shooter. Do you think the psychologist could have done more? What actions would professional ethical and legal obligations deem appropriate?”

Ethical Thinking in the Liberal Arts

TOPIC: Relativism PowerPoint Create a PowerPoint presentation with 12-15 slides that address the following points: 1. Compare and contrast the ethical relativism of ancient Sophism (especially according to Thrasymachus) with that of contemporary postmodernism (especially according to Rorty). 2. Assess one major strength and one major weakness of ethical relativism. 3. Briefly illustrate an instance … Read more


Do a research on the career of a nurse practitioner and write in details what degree is required in this flied, who is a nurse practitioner, the  job description, what are the benefits of becoming a nurse practitioner. Use APA 7th edition format with references. Due Monday by 1pm eastern time.    


Write on a chosen professional organization to help others understand the role and services of the organization and why others should join. I choose the American Heart Association. Attached is a sample paper. Please use APA 7TH edition format. I need it Monday by 12pm eastern time.  

Essay Paper

In this assignment, you will be writing your own story of uniqueness in a diverse world. In this three- to- four page (excluding title and reference page) paper, you will discuss the unique and diverse aspects of yourself as they relate to gender, age, religion, race, ethnicity, ability, class, and sexual orientation (GARREACS). Please use … Read more


  What does evidence-based research say about the development of sexual orientation in young and middle adulthood? Though the body of literature addressing sexual orientation, including heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality, is far from complete, the literature continues to grow. Your awareness of this literature helps inform your social work practice as you address the needs … Read more

SOCW 6210

   Gender identityidentifying oneself as male or femaleis a critical component of an individual’s life-span development. Misconceptions and stereotypes abound with regard to gender, and you may bring personal misconceptions and stereotypes to your work with clients. As you read the resources this week, what concepts seem especially relevant to you as a social worker? … Read more

SOCW 6351

  Mental health care is a primary concern to social workers, who are the main providers of care to populations with mental health diagnoses. The system that provides services to individuals with mental health issues is often criticized for being reactive and only responding when individuals are in crisis. Crisis response is not designed to … Read more