question 1: AE Brainstorm Handout(June Jordan’s “Nobody Means More to You Than Me” and Saleem’s “Why I Keep Speaking Up, I have chosen more effectives for Jordan) List the two readings that you will b

question 1: AE Brainstorm Handout(June Jordan’s “Nobody Means More to You Than Me” and Saleem’s “Why I Keep Speaking Up, I have chosen more effectives for Jordan) List the two readings that you will be working with: Choose one moral/ lesson to focus on for this handout. List one moment/ quote from Source # 1 and describe the moment … Read more

To complete this peer review you will: a) Read your fellow students’ papers, b) Identify the 3 most significant issues/weaknesses in your peer’s paper, and c) For each issue/weakness, provide construc

To complete this peer review you will: a) Read your fellow students’ papers, b) Identify the 3 most significant issues/weaknesses in your peer’s paper, and c) For each issue/weakness, provide constructive criticism using this formula (and using the table below and the slides in the Final research paper section for help): – Identify the problem, … Read more

MKT 3301-20.01.01-3A25-S1, Principles of Marketing Unit IV Journal Assignment Content Social media marketing is one of the fastest growing areas of the marketing world. Choose a network, such as Faceb

MKT 3301-20.01.01-3A25-S1, Principles of Marketing Unit IV Journal Assignment Content Social media marketing is one of the fastest growing areas of the marketing world. Choose a network, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, or Instagram, and explain how you have been targeted by a product or service. Identify what segmentation strategy would be appropriate for this … Read more

RSOC 365- F2024 – Guidelines for Essay Assignment Essay Assignment- You are expected to write a 6000 word essay, worth 35% of your final grade. . The paper is due on November 21. In order to make the

RSOC 365- F2024 – Guidelines for Essay Assignment Essay Assignment- You are expected to write a 6000 word essay, worth 35% of your final grade. . The paper is due on November 21. In order to make the most of this paper-writing experience, you are encouraged to submit a paragraph for instructor feedback. The paragraph … Read more

For this assignment, we will analyze the concepts of race, ethnicity, and gender as social constructs, just as sociologists do. We will examine racial and ethnic categories used in the 2020 Census wi

For this assignment, we will analyze the concepts of race, ethnicity, and gender as social constructs, just as sociologists do.  We will examine racial and ethnic categories used in the 2020 Census with the four racial, ethnic, and gender categories used in the 1790 Census: Free white males, free white females, all other free persons, … Read more

Essay RSOC 365- F2024 – Guidelines for Essay Assignment Essay Assignment- You are expected to write a 6000 word essay, worth 35% of your final grade. . The paper is due on November 21. In order to mak

Essay RSOC 365- F2024 – Guidelines for Essay Assignment Essay Assignment- You are expected to write a 6000 word essay, worth 35% of your final grade. . The paper is due on November 21. In order to make the most of this paper-writing experience, you are encouraged to submit a paragraph for instructor feedback. The … Read more

Please choose one of the topics below: . “Shooting an Elephant” is an essay about George Orwell’s experience living in Burma. Why did he shoot the elephant? Explain how the point-of-view affects how

Please choose one of the topics below: . “Shooting an Elephant” is an essay about George Orwell’s experience living in Burma. Why did he shoot the elephant? Explain how the point-of-view affects how readers understand the events of the essay You should not write about the same literary works that you already covered in Essay … Read more

Reduce current tobacco use in adults — TU‑01 APA Format 1-inch margins, double space and 12-point font, Calibri, Times New Roman, or Arial font throughout – font used must be consistent throughout en

Reduce current tobacco use in adults — TU‑01 APA Format  1-inch margins, double space and 12-point font, Calibri, Times New Roman, or Arial font throughout – font used must be consistent throughout entire plan so choose one to stick with. Justified paragraph alignment (except for sections 6, 8, 10, and Appendices A, B, C). See below.  Section 1: Background … Read more

Purpose This assignment provides you with the opportunity to explore some of the changes in U.S. families and reflect on the evolution of the American family as portrayed in television. This assignmen

Purpose This assignment provides you with the opportunity to explore some of the changes in U.S. families and reflect on the evolution of the American family as portrayed in television. This assignment is aligned with the module learning objectives #2, 3, 4, and 6.  Background In the United States over 95 percent of people believe … Read more