
  Assignment: Group Typology As a clinical social worker it is important to understand group typology in order to choose the appropriate group method for a specific population or problem. Each type of group has its own approach and purpose. Two of the more frequently used types of groups are task groups and intervention groups. … Read more

Assignment: Week 4 Blog

Refer to the topics covered in this week’s resources and incorporate them into your blog. By Day 3 Post a blog post that includes: An explanation of the role of supervision in your field education experience A description of your field instructor’s leadership style and an explanation of whether the leadership style will promote your … Read more

evidence based practice

Select one of the treatment approaches below and provide a brief description of the treatment for a developmental disability that includes a discussion on evidence based practice (EBP) or best practice behind the treatment.  A total of two cited references are required, one discussing the EBP. Your completed paper should be 750-1,000 words. Applied Behavioral Analysis … Read more

Why should anyone be led by you

In HBRs 10 Must Reads chapter, Why Should Anyone be Led by You, the authors argue that inspirational leaders share four unexpected qualities.  What are they and what connection do you see between each of them and some of the leadership topics we have studies so far? CHOOSE ONE OF THE LEADERSHIP SKILLS FROM THE … Read more


Write about health science degree and what are the careers in health science.   You will need to do some research on the Internet. Dont confine yourself to careers that you commonly hear about such as medical assistants, medical doctors, nurses, or pharmacists. Look deeper into fields that are new and cutting edge.  Think about where … Read more


  With your group use the Public Health site at to compile information about health professions.  Draw from the ideas that each member of the group compiled in the Task. Search the site to find information about each career chosen.  Then make a poster that shows the career, projections for employment in the career, type … Read more

Discussion Board -Psycological Disorders

 If a parent brought their son Ethan to your office who had a lot of behavioral issues. Ethan had tantrums in the classroom and at home. Sometimes the tantrums were so intense that it was challenging to calm Ethan down at times. There were even times when mom felt scared to be around Ethan when he … Read more

project part 5 and 6

  You will be using the same organization or agency that you chose for Parts I through IV  of your Capstone Project. V. Community Needs Assessment Questionnaire (based on the part I and part II, create 5 questions that will assist the organization in identifying gaps in service and community needs. Remember to include how … Read more

Reflection Paper

  Write a 500-1,000-word paper reflecting on two prescribed areas and one area of your choosing. Part I Consider the journals you have written during this course and address the following: Reflect back on the items you selected each week that connected to your education. How has the knowledge you have gained from your program … Read more

Essay Discussion 3

To answer this topic completely, it takes a minimum of 350 words. Use the topic question and the scoring rubric to see if your draft responds fully to all parts of the question. A complete thoughtful answer is more important than word count. Topic: What is the conservative argument for restricting access to abortion? What … Read more