scientific persuasion study review

 You will write a review paper on a scientific study on persuasion. Goldstein, Martin, and Cialdini (2008 see the list of the required textbooks) has 50 small chapters and each chapter introduces a persuasion strategy based on scientific research. Choose one chapter that interests you the most and search for the original research paper cited … Read more

Question Answering

Learning Pod  – Aurore: A Discussion about Personal Responsibility and Social Norms in History ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. More than 100 words would be fine. Does not need to be detailed but make sure questions are answered. Website You should focus on the following sections from the website: “Context” Tab (Introduction and Historical Contexts are your … Read more

transcript interview

 I shared the instructions for this last week. Continue working on transcribing your interview and please post a complete or partial transcript by Monday, March 29th (after Spring Break). To prepare for this activity, do the following: Review Chapter 6 in Qualitative Methods in Social Work Research, by Padgett, paying particular attention to the guidelines for … Read more

Music Final Paper

Requirements: From the many topics we will cover in class, choose two (one per paper) that were especially meaningful to you. Write profusely about your personal experience with the musical practices you chose, explaining why you chose them, why and how you feel connected to them, and what do you think they mean to the … Read more


LOOK OVER IT AND CHECK  homework 2    Bio.   Power Point  Share your dreams and gaols, desires and advice for yourself in a Power Point Presentation   Tell us about your family travels and or where you want to go some day. 50 -75 words Then used this same information for a Power point and post for credit also … Read more

Environmental Health

Please respond to the following: What is a Local Emergency Management Agency (LEMA) and what are they responsible for?  Please provide examples of specific actions and programmatic areas (i.e.; specific mandated plans, hazard and vulnerability assessments, training’s, etc.).” This assignment should be no less than 750 words.  Please use 12-point type (Times New Roman font), with one-inch margins, and line spacing 1.5. At all times, you must properly give … Read more

2 pages single spaced 12 font size done in 5 hours

2 pages SINGLE spaced, font size 12. Can make the questions to size 20 to meet 2 pages. Have to finish in 4 hours, otherwise will overdue and need to dispute.  Uber Pays the Price Nine years ago, Uber revolutionized the taxi industry and the way people commute. With the simple mission to bring transportationfor … Read more

Critical Thinking #2

   Egocentric thinking. In our first discussion on critical thinking, we established that  there are some serious flaws in our patterns of thinking.  We even  supported the idea that much of our non-assessed thinking is biased,  partial and prejudiced.   Consider some of the ramifications of this  reality. Remember that our thinking affects every aspect of … Read more