socw 6351 discussion 1

Social policies can have a significant impact on individuals and families, as well as the organizations and agencies that implement the policies. In some cases, the policy, as written, appears comprehensive and effective. Yet, despite appearances, the policy might fail to be effective as a result of improper implementation, interpretation, and/or application of the policy. … Read more

socw 0651

Part B: Definitions and Applications In social work education and practice, you will often encounter a variety of definitions. Below, you will find twelve words associated with the concept of diversity and difference in practice. For this section, provide a working definition for two of the following terms. Then, describe how a vulnerable/diverse population might … Read more

socw 6351 assignment

You might think that social problems only affect those who suffer from the problem directly, but they actually have much broader impact. For example, the public education system shapes the educational experiences of those who are not a part of the private school system. The government provides policies and procedures necessary to develop the public … Read more

Religious Diversity

Your second paper will be on It Is Not Reasonable to Believe that Only One Religion is True by Peter Byrne, posted on blackboard in the Course Work Folder. In this paper, you will identify and summarize what the authorsays about religious pluralism and confessionalism (you will look at how he defines the character of … Read more

Week 4 final project lab

Due March 15 at 11:59 PM Final Project Make necessary corrections to your work on the final project for the first three weeks as per your instructor’s feedback and write: A comprehensive paragraph describing the participants in the study (from Week 2) A paragraph describing the major dependent variables of interest (recall and misinformation effect). … Read more

Reflection journal

   Professional Practice Year 3 CA Brief Reflective Journal – CA1 This reflective Journal is worth 50% of the module and has 5 main components.  Notes: There are 5 questions you must complete all questions. Each question 1-5 has two options you must complete either a or b for each question. a questions are based … Read more

Discussion Board

Below are some questions to help guide your discussion on the oppression of Indigenous peoples. Please answer each of the following. Identify 3 take-aways (important things to remember) from this week’s recorded lecture and explain how you will apply these reminders in social work practice. Describe how the story of Christopher Columbus that you learned as a … Read more

Letter to the editor

This is your chance to express what you have learned about the social issue that is meaningful to you. After writing the Issues paper, and becoming a person who understands a problem in more detail that the average person, you will write a letter to the editor of whatever publication you wish.  In the course, … Read more

SOCW 6311 wk 3 Discussion: Choosing and Using Single-System Design

   SOCW 6311 wk 3 Discussion: Choosing and Using Single-System Design Many people receive their first introduction to the scientific method in their early school years. The first experiments which students undertake typically involve plants, chemicals, or small animals in a tightly controlled experimental environment. These experiments enable students to establish a relatively clear cause-and-effect … Read more