social work

 In this Assignment, you watch excerpts from social work case study videos. Then, within the video interface, you respond to questions that allow you to connect the true-to-life depictions of social workerclient interactions with what you have learned. This video quiz is graded. 


Why is a particular language like English came to be distributed the way that it is around the world? Are the processes of globalization influencing the changing distribution and significance of the language? if so why? How can language play a role as eighter unifying or devolutionary force for a country?

Essay Questions; Due March 14 by noon; must include references

1. You are a health educator at a state health department. You are tasked with creating a theory-based campaign/program to reach communities that are refusing the COVID vaccines. You are presenting to your supervisors the process you will take to plan out the campaign using the PRECEDE-PROCEED planning model. In detail, walk your audience through … Read more

2 part

This is two separate assignments that should agree with one another. Plus discussion  Presentation on Threats to the Global Environment Overview Congratulations! The members of the United Nations found great value in the two analyses you provided. They are now asking you to develop a PowerPoint presentation that addresses four of the most critical threats … Read more

Ethical Thinking in the Liberal Arts

I need the following questions answered in 200 words each with individual references provided  MODULE 1 DQ1 What is a good definition of metaethics? What are the types of issues involved and questions raised by metaethics? Cite your sources from the class readings and other course materials. DQ2 According to your textbook readings, critically evaluate … Read more

Ethical Thinking in the Liberal Arts

 TOPIC: Ethical Theory Paper Write a 750-1,000-word essay about the concept and importance of ethical theory. Include the following in your paper: Part I: Define and explain ethical theory. Be sure to identify the nature, grounds, and methods for moral judgments. Part II: Assess the importance of metaethics for determining moral judgments. Part III: Explain … Read more

social change reflection

write 2 pages answering these questions  GUIDELINES: For your paper, you will answer the authors question on page 398 of Leadership for a Better World: How can I apply the social change model as a guide for initiating and sustaining positive social change? To answer this well, you will need to draw upon your discussions, … Read more


Step I. Consider the Issues In the Presentation on the Threats to the Global Environment, you were asked to create a PowerPoint identifying the four most critical threats out of eight threats provided: Energy sources. Globalization. Lack of educational opportunities. Inappropriate use of technology. Civil war. Poor health of entire population. Cultural taboos. Climate change. … Read more

SOCW 6311 WK 2 responses

   SOCW 6311 WK 2 responses  Respond to at least two colleagues each one has to be answered separately name first then response  Bottom of Form Respond to at least two colleagues by doing all of the following: Identify strengths of your colleagues analyses and areas in which the analyses could be improved. Address his … Read more

SOCW 6520 WK 2 peer responses

   SOCW 6520 WK 2 peer responses  Respond to the blog post of three colleagues ( They have to be responded to separately) in one or more of the following ways:  Share an insight from having read your colleagues posting. Offer and support an opinion. Validate an idea in your colleagues post with your own … Read more