Interview w/different age groups

For this discussion, I want you to interview 3 people in different age cohorts: your grandparent/s (or someone in their age cohort), your parent/s and someone in their 20’s.  Ask them the following questions: At what age should people marry? At what age should people have children? At what age should a person be settled … Read more

Online Discussion Questions and Ideas Module 6

Treatment and Discharge Planning Remember the specification from the syllabus and the feedback from previous grading rubrics on these discussions. Remember to use a conversational tone, writing more like you speak than like you would for a test essay.  Think out loud and pose unanswered questions that other students can respond to. There is no … Read more

advertisement and bias

using these ad include a link or attachment with your chosen ads, and describe your emotions as you watched/viewed them. Address the following questions in your initial post: What about the advertisements made you curious, shocked, or interested in taking a closer look? How did the ads appeal (or not appeal) … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please identify (by author name and article title) at least three (3) scholarly, sociologically relevant sources that you intend to use as support for your position in the final paper. Your instructor will check to ensure that these sources meet the necessary criteria and are relevant to the course and your topic. To meet the … Read more

essay 2

For your second and final essay, please choose one of the following chapters in your text, which weren’t specifically covered in this course: Aging and Ageism (ch. 6)Sexual Behavior (ch. 9)The Changing Family (ch. 10)Urban vs. Rural Problems (ch. 14)Write an essay explaining how these problems would be viewed by a sociological theory of your … Read more

trafficking paper

You will also be required to have a minimum of 6 references including our textbook. Write this research paper as if you are writing it to individuals or lawmakers that are not familiar with our text or the topic and you are educating them on the issue. Make sure to cover these topics: Overview of … Read more

discussion 6

Public opinion on the LGBTQ community has rapidly and drastically changed in America. Though individuals in this broad and heterogeneous community still face a number of problems, there is little doubt that this society is a much different place in this regard than it was even in the recent past. What social factors do you … Read more

A Deeper Look At Subculture: Cosplay

Please read all the additional documents. Every single one is important!! 1: Selecting an urban subculture/social group (this will be: cosplay) and a relevant field site to study group behavior and interactions.2: Conducting relevant historical and background research.3: Gathering empirical data through field site observations (including field notes).4: Interviewing members of the group (informants).5: Taking … Read more

SOCIAL SCIENCE 101 Course Reflection Paper

SOCIAL SCIENCE 101Course Reflection Paper Book TO USE POWER & SOCIETY HARRISON 14TH ED Instructions    End of Course Reflection Paper Assignment    Write a two- to three-page reflection paper.    Discuss what you have learned during the class and how it will assist you in achieving further academic and work-related goals.    Include your strategies for capitalizing … Read more