Writing Assignment 2

1. What is the Racial Wealth Gap? 2. Explain Daltons Conley analysis on net worth and the wealth gap. Why is net worth important to understand the gap? 3. Using the 2021 policy, briefly identify the important statistics on the gender wage gap. Briefly summarize the main points of this article 4. After reading the … Read more

Online Discussion Questions and Ideas Module 5

Testing and Toxicology; Treatment Courts Remember the specification from the syllabus and the feedback from previous grading rubrics on these discussions. For this discussion board we are going to focus on the ethical dilemmas (social work as social control, empowerment) associated with court ordered treatment and mandatory drug testing. We will look at monitoring as … Read more


*Although I would like for you to interview your grandparents, if you don’t have any, or your grandparents are deceased, try and interview someone close to their age group.  If you are a grandparent, you can address this question based on your experiences. I want you to interview your grandparents (face-to-face, or over the phone).  … Read more


*Although I would like for you to interview your grandparents, if you don’t have any, or your grandparents are deceased, try and interview someone close to their age group.  If you are a grandparent, you can address this question based on your experiences. I want you to interview your grandparents (face-to-face, or over the phone).  … Read more

Birthday cards

Go to the birthday card section in a store and observe cards designed for people of different ages.  How are the messages on the cards different for different age groups?  (If you want to expand on the topic, note if there are any gender differences.) Discuss what you found and use the sociological imagination to … Read more

Assignment 1

FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS BELOW: INCLUDE AT LEAST 3 (THREE) REFERENCES (MINIMUM) FOR YOUR ESSAYS. Ensure that you have included references both within the written document Eg. According to Darwin 2006, Social stratification is defined as OR Social stratification is defined as a systems of inequality.(Darwin, 2006) Create a complimentary reference list that includes ALL your … Read more

Charleston church shooting

The term paper is an opportunity for the student to study a particular criminal case and to explore the sociological concepts you have learned in this class and to apply them to a real-life situation. Your case study is to be of a major criminal case that occurred in the United States sometime in history. … Read more

Ancient Civilizations

Your completed version of the Ancient Civilizations Three-Column Chart Graphic Organizer: Answers to questions on the chart should be in complete sentences. They should include a correct citation for each of the sources you used to answer the question. Your completed version of the Venn Diagram.Your Final Comparative Essay: Your final paper should be at … Read more