
Without relying on the internet or any type of research, provide your own working definition of the term feminism.(use the definition below) What connotations (positive/negative/neutral) does that term evoke for you?(Pick positive ,talk about positive. ) In what context(s) have you heard the term? How did you come to think of “feminism” in this way? … Read more

Ecological Model

Talk to a human service professional in your community about what that person sees as an unmet need in the community. What one service would the professional like to see developed? What specific need would that service meet? What client population would that project address? How would this service or program enhance the environment for … Read more

The family: Institutional Arena

1.    Give 2 examples of ways that the state (through laws, policies, etc.) affected your family when you were growing up. 2.    Give 2 examples of ways that the market (through employment, economic resources, etc.) affected your family when you were growing up.

Depression and anxiety in college students

Final Paper: For this paper write a research proposal. Describe to a reader, in less than 1750 words, what your research is, and how you intended to do it. For a detailed example of how to write such a document, look to Kesklys Foolproof Grant Template (see pdf in readings, link and outline below). You … Read more

Depression and anxiety in college students

Final Paper: For this paper write a research proposal. Describe to a reader, in less than 1750 words, what your research is, and how you intended to do it. For a detailed example of how to write such a document, look to Kesklys Foolproof Grant Template (see pdf in readings, link and outline below). You … Read more

Functions of the death system, Medical Apartheid

video: discussion questions:What types of experiences did African Americans have historically with the medical profession that the author learned about through the process of conducting research on this topic? What are some examples of medical experiments that were conducted (in addition to the example already provided in the course text)? What myths, biases, and … Read more

Self assessment

You will complete the first three sections of your Self-Assessment paper. This assignment will include a title and a reference page. 1. The student will incorporate cognitive, social, emotional and physiological theories of human behavior to describe their developmental progress or lack of progress through the various stages. Did you move through the stages of … Read more

Theories of Management

Compare and contrast theory X and theory Y and management by objectives (MBO). Describe each theory before comparing their strengths and weaknesses. Which theory do you consider most applicable to a human organization with which you are affiliated? Explain why. Discuss in the context of an example, though be careful not to disclose identifiable information.

Complexity Thinking

In this thesis, the writer has to start off explaining Climate Change as a wicked problem. Then the writer talks about two specific approaches our society is trying to ‘solve’ climate change. The first attempt to tackle climate change was Kyoto Protocol and currently now it is the Paris Agreement. It is important to explain … Read more

What is sociology and the sociological perspective?

What is sociology and the sociological perspective?  What do you see are some of the most important uses of sociology?  What is meant by the nature vs. nurture debate in the social sciences?  Describe and compare and contrast functional theory, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism.  Who are the major contributors (theorists) to each theory?  Which … Read more