Intersectional Feminism essay

In your project, explore the idea of intersectional feminism and what you learned in this course that others should know. What is feminism and what have been someareas and issues important in the movement ? What are issues that still need to be addressed? What does feminism mean to you? You may focus on a … Read more

the effects of social media on our society

esearch paper based on the effects of social media on oursociety. The length of your assignment should be limited to somewhere between4-5 pages. You are more than welcometo use as many sources as you would like. However, you must only cite sourcesthat are credible. Moreover, you must adhere to strict MLA format when writingyour essay. … Read more

The American Government: The Engine of Public Policy

Congress, the president, the cabinet, advisers, agency bureaucrats, federal and state courts, political parties, interest groups, the mediaall of these groups influence political decisions in our democratic system of government. This results in the creation and implementation of public policies.Write a 34 page paper in which you do the following:Define public policy.Identify and explain the … Read more


Answer 3 questions in essay format 1 page NO COVER PGa. Since there are so many aspects of death students may select two chapters from Part V: Funeralization- one should be a cultural perspective-from a culture other than your own culture.  and two chapters from Body Disposal to summarize. b. One of my concerns is … Read more

answering questions

Exam #2 Covering Chapters 8-14 PURPOSE AND TEST OBJECTIVESThis examination is designed to evaluate two (2) things:  First, it is used to determine if students comprehend the course content and can apply the concepts presented (e.g., synthesis and application).  Second, it provides students with a way to measure their level of effort against the expectations … Read more

Mental Health

Identify mental health and provide demographic, political, social and economics contexts. Identify what human rights articles under the UDHR and other international laws, agreements, codes, or enactments that addresses mental health. Identify the cultural challenges that you may face as a social worker when trying to work with this population. How will you address these … Read more