Violence against Children

Incorporating at least 5 peer-reviewed sources 1. Identify a human rights issue and provide demographic, political, social and economics contexts. 2. Discuss advocacy campaigns and organization that are working toward eradicating the human rights issue. 3. Identify what human rights articles under the UDHR and other international laws, agreements, codes, or enactments that addresses the … Read more

sociology in a digital world

Now that you have been introduced to the many concepts that technology affects the world, it is now your turn to demonstrate your knowledge on the way digital sociology is involved in the employment industry. How has having access to digital technology positively contributed to increasing employment?What role has digital technology played in increasing levels … Read more

c)Prevention program in Chicago

3)    Slide 3: Policy or Program Outcomes(a)    Title section: Policy or Program Outcomes (b)    Content section: Add an image/picture/graph that reflects on this slides essay.(c)    Notes section: Analytical essay ( 400 words), focused on the states policy or program outcomes according to: race, class, gender, age, education, location  I would need you to do slide … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Important please read the instruction carefully Write it with easy english and no plagiarism please Goals and Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to apply your sociological thinking to the experiences of college students during the pandemic. Starting with your own experiences, you will use the writing of students in the class as data … Read more

Sociology of gender

Dr. Money and the Boy with No Penis 4-5 pages double spaced. (No more than 5 pages) What does the documentary say about society and societies need to fit individuals into boxes? In what ways does the medical management of children born with ambiguous genital configurations or in this case, a circumcision gone wrong, reflect … Read more


Each question under this should be answered in a short-essay format. The very last question should be answered in two to three paragraphs (cumulative essay). You may do them single spaced to fit the pages. Thank you. 1. Briefly explain the intermediate variables (a.k.a. proximate determinants) model of fertility regulation.Describe the three major categories, and … Read more

Immigration and Inequality in the US

Research paper on ImmigrationThe objective of this research paper is to research Immigration in the United States and to focus on providing an accurate account of what happened/is happening. While you want to focus on Immigration, you can choose what area(s) interest you: race/ethnicity group, historical journey/narrative, statistics, politics, landscape, deportation, detention camps, USCIS policy, … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

TASK A)  POST you own comments about the video The Driven–the movie) after you view it in its entirety (REQUIRED).YouTube URL: TASK B) Provide some comments regarding a person or persons who are or have motivated you to continue your academic journey.  These individuals may include family members, friends, co-workers, clergy members, professors, or … Read more