Out of Sorts

The aspect of the article I’d like you to focus on for this forum is the choice of having an overseas Asian baby as the most common second choice for these prospective parents.  There are two parts here:  1.  How do you sociologically explain  why these people would choose an international child rather than an … Read more

Fear of Death and how it affects us emotionally

My topic was fear of death. My professor said I need to be more specific with my topic. I will attach some resources from the course:http://www.deathreference.com/Ce-Da/Communication-with-the-Dying.htmlhttp://sk.sagepub.com.ezproxy.umgc.edu/reference/death/n4.xmlhttps://www.selectedfuneralhomes.org/Consumers/The-Value-of-a-Funeral/The-Role-of-Ceremonies-in-Bereavementhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7177068/

American Dream

Write a brief (3-4 pages) paper in which you discuss whether you believe that the “American Dream” is alive and well. Make certain to support your opinion. Also, discuss whether you believe that social mobility is easier or more difficult for your generation than it was for earlier generations and explain why.

sociology close family and relationships

. Explain the relationship between cohabitation and marriage:Define cohabitation and marriage. What are the statistics for cohabitation in the United States? Does cohabitation result in marriages that last? What are the reasons for cohabitation? Identify the different types of cohabitation relationships. Please include a bibliography or reference page at the end of your Final Term … Read more

Autism in Minority and Upper-end Communities

Compare and contrast the age of diagnosis in autism spectrum disorder between upper-end communities and minority communities. Factors such as economic status, race, language barriers, etc. that may cause a difference in age of diagnosis. Please only use peer-review journal articles Also, provide a citation page

WEEK 7 – Reading Response(176)

Short (1 2 page) discussion of: a) an important argument or interpretation in the reading and b) summarizing briefly some evidence presented by the author that supports it and c) what you think about this argument and why). read doc I upload, I randomly download 3 chapter of the book.

Dating, Hook up Culture, and courtship

The paper should be 10-12 pages in length, including citations and bibliography, in a standard-sized font (11 or 12 point) and double-spaced. Your discussion may focus on the United States or any other country/comparison you wish.  Select  3-5  print/online-only articles or extended television segments in the news media that discuss this issue they can be … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

To write out a critical analysis of an organization. My organization is the Family-Centered Services of the Missouri Department of Social Services. I must write an essay about the organizational setting, mission, goals, objectives, services, organizational structure, and management, and how the organization addresses problems or challenges.


-What do you think is the current state of public schooling in the United States? -What are the most pressing problems? – What is the school system doing well? Answer each questions thoroughly, following the APA 7th edition guidelines when citing references from the book and other sources.Your response must be a minimum of 3 … Read more

Cultural Heritage Policy

Read the attached two uploaded articles comprehensively and thorougly.For the uplloaded pdf book..please carefully read the introductiom sections written by Niel pg(14-33). The second reading task is three page long article.You need to show that you have fully understood the main facts of the assigned articlss in your discussion questions.You will also have to show … Read more