
Watch the 5mins attached vide and answer the questions Is the Mother right/wrong for painting her son’s toe nails? Is it gender bending?Will painting his toe nails cause confusion for him or others about his gender or his sexuality?Is this an attack on masculinity by the mother?What does this say about the social construction of … Read more


For this module assignment I would like you to choose 3 of the covered topics in this module (Chapter Titles) and discuss the impact they have had on your life.  You can be as specific or as general as you like but I would like you to connect your “way of life” to the impact … Read more


Sociology of the FamilyFinal Paper: Television and Family Over the course of the semester, we have studied how the family has changed throughout the 20th century. Some of these changes are reflected through media representations.  At the same time, media representations of family have historically been rather unrepresentative in their portrayal of diverse family types. Using … Read more

The progression of Theory

This assignment is meant to have students think about the progression of sociological theory from classical to contemporary. Throughout the semester, students will learn about how classical theories have inspired other theories to emerge in the discipline, and students will write about the transition process. Students are required to talk about three contemporary theories (e.g. … Read more


write comments for each paragraph I provided (125 words each) 1. The social norm I put to the test for my breaching experiment was the general expectation of people to be relatively calm and quiet while hiking. To conduct the experiment I ventured to Upper Campus and loudly sang along with some of my favorite … Read more


Write a research paper explaining pro-life views on abortion? Instructions:–    Topic: Link sociological theory with Abortion & why its considered wrong. Consider current or recent social movements over abortion across the globe. Examine the topic using the main ideas of three of the most influential early sociological thinkers: Weber, Marx, and Durkheim.–    Your paper MUST … Read more

Abortion is wrong

Write a research paper about why abortion is wrong. Instructions:–    Topic: Link sociological theory with Abortion & why its wrong. Consider current or recent social movements over abortion across the globe. Examine the topic using the main ideas of three of the most influential early sociological thinkers: Weber, Marx, and Durkheim.–    Your paper MUST include:o    … Read more

How to prevent crime

Choose a particular crime (incident) in New York City’s history, and then divide the paper into the following sections: 1.      Describe the crime in detail (using both book and newspaper resources). When did this occur? What were the dates? What were the circumstances? Who was/were the victim(s) and offender(s). Tel me the story … Read more


Give an assessment of the existing resources and the gaps that exist to addressing the problem for  the  population  in  the  local  community.  Conclude  with  a  discussion  of  the  general  changes  you need to be made so that the population can meet their needs based on the literature, the existing resources,  and  strengths  of  the  … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

It’s a book review essay, all you have to do is follow the instruction in the word document. I also upload some readings that you may use. You do not have to read them all,  you can base on the requirement to find some examples of content from those readings. (Note: Freire’s work is “Race … Read more