Your McDonalized Life

INSTRUCTIONS-  Instructors may select one or a combination of the options below, or give students a choice between them. The students should write a total of 8 to 10 pages combined. Students should use their textbook, supplemental readings, and 3 additional valid sources (newspaper, magazine or journal articles, books) per paper. All citations and the … Read more

Institutions and Social Change

1. Briefly outline the major shfts in the economy, families, schools, and other structures that have shaped suburban and urban life over the last 100 years. Use readings, the material from the last section on social stratification, and Professor’s lecture on understanding urban centers. 2. What have you been learning so far in your research … Read more

SOAP notes

Please answer the following questions. Bob is a 35 year old black male who came into care on Feb. 14th 2015. He lives with his wife and two children Bob Jr. and Mary. He works at the Motor Vehicle Administration office in western Maryland. His current address is 1934 BTS Street in Baltimore Maryland, he … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read the Course Summation Paper Instructions and the then follow my instructions bellow to help you write this one page (double spaced) paper. In this one page (double spaced) paper, follow the following outline when writing :1.Check the topics covered in this course (see the attached file Topics) and choose one or more topic(s) to … Read more

Social/culture norm

Create a social/cultural normaddress a social problem and create a social or cultural norm. The problem can be as serious or silly as you wish. This is not about manipulation or conformity, but investigating how social norms are created in the everyday. No, you cannot describe an existing process (see the example at the end … Read more

Discussion 12

This week’s focus is on a topic that is slowly gaining focus in the media.  Forced sterilization has occurred throughout history, and it is especially important to discuss since it is a stark contrast from the right to bear children awarded by the Constitution.  In short, forced sterilization occurs when a woman is given a … Read more

Sociological concepts and language

A) Recognize and describe the fundamentals that underlie social life. B) Describe the influence of society/culture, race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic class on individuals development across the lifespan. Answers should: Utilize sociological concepts and language in correct and appropriate ways. Makes a well-reasoned, informed, and correct argument. Writes in full, complete, and grammatically correct sentences. Each answer … Read more

Juvenile Delinquency/ Juvenile Justice System

For this final assignment, “Id like you to consider some aspect of juvenile delinquency or juvenile justice that has been challenged by the pandemic, do some research, trying to connect and apply research to practice. I want you to have the flexibility to choose your own specific topic (as it relates to juvenile justice and … Read more

Sociology final paper

Instructions for final paper (chosen topic is highlighted)Choose one of the following discussion questions for your midterm project. Discuss in no less than five pages, double space, Times New Roman in a clear front folder. Use appropriate research articles, online websites to assist you. Your paper should be in APA format. References included. 4.    What … Read more

social work

I uploaded instructions. Basically, this is not formal at all. I just need two questions and answers for each of the readings 1-10. No need for a cover page or reference page. perhaps three sentences answering to question you post. Just number each question and answer.