Any topic (writer’s choice)

1. What are some of the studies and articles linking smoking to popular culture, and what issues does Sternheimer point out about them? According to the reading, what are the more likely indicators/predictors of smoking in both the lives of teens and adults? Finally, what factors do you think relate to the steady drop in … Read more

A Class Divided

For this assignment, you will watch the first two portions of the documentary film A Class Divided (Links to an external site.).  You are encouraged watch the entire film, but for the purposes of this assignment the questions below will pertain to only the first two portions of the film.  If the film will not … Read more

MBTI Self Analysis

In a Zoom group discussion, I did not actively participate and was not a leader. For most of the time, I listen to other people speaking all the time and then knock my head to agree with them. a. 2-page APPLICATION OF PERSONALITY THEORY:  Using the MBTI theory, explain how your personality influenced your participation … Read more

(sociology essay related to Fight Club)

1. Please choose Fight Club (1999) as the movie. 2. You are required to research and write a critical essay examining the film of your choice from a sociological perspective in which you examine the central issues you see as most pertinent. 3. Keywords: the sociology of popular culture and gender, sexuality, power, feminism, masculinity, … Read more

Consent and Coercion

Paper # 2: Consent and Coercion Central Aim: This assignment requires learners to demonstrate their comprehension of consent as sexual process. To do so, learners must read and integrate the following six (6) required readings: 1. Beyond Yes or No: Consent as Sexual Process by Rachel Kramer Brussel 2. Hooking Up with Healthy Sexuality by … Read more


The problem of drugs has been one that the United States has been contending with for a very long time. The war on drugs was declared to address this social problem. What is the War on Drugs? What were the reasons for the launching of this war and what have been its consequences? Would you … Read more


please write a 500 750 word essay (at least 2 to 3 pages of double-spaced, 12-point font of text) addressing the following question prompts. A references list should make up an additional page. With your selected topic, use examples from your personal experience with the topic, or from the media, to illustrate what you know … Read more

harm reduction vs abstinance

this paper is on 2 approaches regarding the opiate crisis in the united states. The focus is only on opiates. We need to explore harm reduction vs abstinence. We will use methadone and vivatrol and narcan for the harm reduction and for abstinence we will be using Narcotics anonymous and detox/IOP approaches. WE will talk … Read more

Does justice require not making distinctions based on race?

Please utilize the session notes and the readings in additional materials to finish this essay. Pleas cite the readings. Please do not use any outside sources.Please do not repeat the same content with difference words just to meet word-count.The essay should have a clear structure.Write a clear synthetic sentence in the beginning to state your … Read more