Any topic (writer’s choice)

The introduction of the course and the requirements of this order are in the file I uploaded. In short, I need you to write a short proposal(250 words or so) describing the plans for final project. As you can see from the highlighted part of the syllabus, this order is the draft of the final … Read more

Mass Incarceration of Nonviolent Drug Offenses

Implementing and Monitoring the Action Plan Students will design a process to implement their change project that includes how they will address progress toward goal attainment, sources of support, barriers or challenges, needed resources, and any plan adjustments. This is part 2 to a group assignment my job within the group is to Provide a … Read more

dissussion question

Some of you might recall that Andrew Yang, who ran in the Democratic Presidential Primary last year, was known for suggesting that if elected, his administration would provide a guaranteed monthly income (payment) to everyone in the US.  Mr. Yang, who was a very successful businessperson, got a lot of pushback on this idea from … Read more

mile Durkheim Assessment

Requirements: You are required to write two essays: (each 2-3 pages).on mile Durkheim and/or functionalism. Define and examine one of the following terms: 1.Division of Labor2.Mechanical and Organic Solidarity Your response must use the course textbook AND any related primary reading from Durkheim or posted lecture slides. DO NOT USE ANY SOURCE MATERIALS FROM OUTSIDE … Read more

Explicate and evaluate the relevance of Foucauldian theorising with reference to contemporary critical public health scholarship OR studies of sexuality.

This is a 2000 word essay (excluding the bibliography); essays that deviate from this word count by more than 10% may be penalised. Essay questions should: Address the essay topic/examination question in its entirety i.e. cover allelements of the topic/question Include a good synthesis and evaluation of the literature pertaining to the essay topic/examination question … Read more

Policy Development

Often, policymakers develop policies in response to a recent societal problem or event. Whereas some societal problems, such as homelessness, unemployment, and poverty, require long-term policy development and refinement, society sometimes demands immediate policy implementation in response to events or problems that proved dangerous for society at large. For example, the U.S. terrorist attacks on … Read more

Ideological Perspectives of Population-Specific Policy

Social workers often are very aware of and informed about the needs of the specific populations with which they work. As a result, it is important that social workers get involved in the policy-creation process by sharing their experiences and perspectives with others, including policymakers. For this assignment, select a population of particular interest to … Read more

Can Canadian Federalism Still Be Reformed?

A critical account: what is it? I recommend that you present first (1) a summary of the text and then (2) your review(1) What is an abstract (summary)? Rewritten text in a limited space. Summarizing is recomposing a text where one canexpresses with a minimum of words the ideas, the arguments, the thought ofthe author. … Read more

Journal Entry

It can be uncomfortable to realize that you have come either from a place of oppression or privilege. Individuals seldom use these terms to describe themselves or others. However, oppression and privilege impact every aspect of people’s lives. As you consider your own place in society, consider your emotional attachment to where you see yourself … Read more