hat’s great. I do need some help with a small task. I have an outline about my internship and how it went. i need help putting it in a Canva presentation with some good animations. preferably the “mat

hat’s great. I do need some help with a small task. I have an outline about my internship and how it went. i need help putting it in a Canva presentation with some good animations. preferably the “math & move” animation on Canva.  It wont let me add the file so below is the full … Read more

Employers and recruiters now do most of their initial screening through email, texting, phone calls, and video conferencing. How would you convey confidence and suitability for the position through no

Employers and recruiters now do most of their initial screening through email, texting, phone calls, and video conferencing. How would you convey confidence and suitability for the position through nonverbal signaling in these contexts? How might you enhance your career strategies in this type of interview?  Initial posts should be a minimum of 400 words … Read more

Module 2A ObjectivesObjectives By the end of module 2A, you should be able to: Describe concept analysis. Describe the relationships among concepts, theory, practice and research. Differentiat

Module 2A ObjectivesObjectives By the end of module 2A, you should be able to: Describe concept analysis. Describe the relationships among concepts, theory, practice and research. Differentiate between concept analysis/development and concept synthesis. Identify and analyze the application of a concept analysis approach used within a scholarly paper. Module 2A: Read and Analyze a Concept … Read more

Please read the attached file , watch the attached videos, and answer the following questions: When we think of Children’s literature the words “once upon a time” immediately come to mind. Fairy tal

Please read the attached file , watch the attached videos, and answer the following questions: When we think of Children’s literature the words “once upon a time” immediately come to mind. Fairy tales are thought to be the very essence of stories for children. The fact is, however, that fairy tales were not originally created … Read more


SHEILA/VAL- ORGANZATIONAL PROMOTION COURSE ***** PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT ALL WORK IS AUTHENTIC***** ****** THIS ASSIGNMENT HAS 5 PARTS / PLEASE LABEL EACH PART SEPARATELY WITH REFERENCES WHEN COMPLETED****** PART 1- Module 1 Discussion (VAL)- Interpersonal Communication Read the Sample Life-Learning Paper # 2 on Interpersonal Communication by Deborah Glass. Using the style expressed in … Read more

You are to write a ten-page research paper on one of the following topics. The ten pages are in addition to the title page, reference page, and abstract. You Must Use the APA style of writing. This

You are to write a ten-page research paper on one of the following topics.  The ten pages are in addition to the title page, reference page, and abstract.  You Must Use the APA style of writing.  This is the American Psychological Style of Writing.  You can find this online.   Be sure to cite your sources.  The paper … Read more

Since beginning the doctoral program, you have been working to identify and refine a problem space for your dissertation. In this assignment, you will use prior feedback received from instructors and

Since beginning the doctoral program, you have been working to identify and refine a problem space for your dissertation. In this assignment, you will use prior feedback received from instructors and peers as well as additional readings from the literature to revise your problem space, identify variables (quantitative) or a phenomenon (qualitative) from the problem … Read more

Please answer each question with at least 250 words citation and reference. 1. A researcher is interested in exploring the experiences of international students who have recently moved to the United S

Please answer each question with at least 250 words citation and reference. 1. A researcher is interested in exploring the experiences of international students who have recently moved to the United States to attend college. The researcher plans to conduct in-depth interviews with these students to better understand their experiences and challenges during this transition … Read more

Hospitality and Tourism Industry Challenges Overview Most states regulate their health departments by city or county. Use the Internet and Basic Search to research health department regulations for fo

 Hospitality and Tourism Industry Challenges Overview Most states regulate their health departments by city or county. Use the Internet and Basic Search to research health department regulations for food service facilities closely related to your location. Focus on possible challenges to the restaurant industry, such as health department regulations and requirements, social concerns, competitive issues, and demographic and … Read more

https://www.mediafire.com/file/31xqpzpdgjug81y/Dariel_Evans_Activities_and_Awards_Worksheet_23-24.docx/file 1. For the educational program: I want to talk about my participation in the Berkeley tran

https://www.mediafire.com/file/31xqpzpdgjug81y/Dariel_Evans_Activities_and_Awards_Worksheet_23-24.docx/file 1. For the educational program: I want to talk about my participation in the Berkeley transfer experience program  (350 words) 2. Awards & honors: Talk about how I never received any awards due to lack of encouragement & confidence (350 words) 3.Volunteer work : Talk about my year long experience with HIV Education prevention … Read more