Socio-Natural Liminality Alternative Null-Theory.., Evolve Beyond

Task:Directions for Final Assignment-PowerPoint presentation The purpose of this project is to encourage you to reflect upon what you have learned in the course and synthesize this information into a deeper understanding of a topic under Applied Social Psychology. Early in the semester, select one of the topics from the modules. This topic will be … Read more

Practicum: Work, Poverty, and Welfare

I’m presenting in document form: The presentation must cover the following information: – Summary of the introduction – Main independent and dependent variables – Hypotheses – Brief review of the literature – Population and sample characteristics + how you will obtain informed consent – Description of the instrument to collect data and a discussion of … Read more


The final part of this class considers mixing research methods, evaluative research, participatory action research, and meta-analysis.  These are approaches to data collection and knowledge generation that cannot neatly fit into the two main branches of research that are quantitative and qualitative approaches. 1) Mixed methods are becoming increasingly popular.  What are the pros and … Read more


Task:Please answer 1 of the questions 1 through 3, then everyone answers question 4. 1. Using Hofstede’s tool on the website: How is your country of interest different than the U.S. on each of the dimensions of the taxonomy? This includes individualism/collectivism, power distance, masculinity/femininity, uncertainty avoidance, long vs. short-term orientation, and indulgence/restraint? 2. With … Read more


Now that we have explored some of the descriptive statistics and important basic data values in quantitative research and begun an exploration of inferential statistics, let’s make sure we can sort these concepts out before moving forward.  We have units of analysis about which we collect our data.  The data we collect are categorized.  Data … Read more


Please answer only one (1) of the following questions (but make sure to still meet the 150-word criteria for your first post). 1. Compare the ethics of the two experiments, discuss each experiment (Milgrim and Zimbardo).  Though studies like these would never again be allowed, and would not be approved by an Institutional Review Board, … Read more