3 Rebuttals

IColleagues’ response1:Quantitative research is used to analyze problems by generating numerical data that can be transformed into usable statistics. It can be used to quantify opinions, behaviors, attitudes, demographic differences, and many other defined variables within a larger sample population. While producing quantitative research, researchers may seek to measure and analyze data to formulate facts … Read more

Quantitative analysis differs from qualitative analysis substantially.

Quantitative analysis differs from qualitative analysis substantially.  It is deductive, as opposed to inductive in nature and is generally used to verify and test the theories generated from the observations in qualitative research.  It seeks to find antithetical information to the driving thesis formed by the qualitative observations to synthesize a more accurate explanation of … Read more

2 rebuttals

Initial colleague’s post 1:Emotional labor refers to showing an accepted emotion. The work behind this display of emotion is that it may not be true to the actual feelings of the individual. In the job market, there are certain job performances that are reliant upon the employees portraying or hiding certain emotions. Some of these … Read more


Please answer one of the first three questions, and all answer number four. 1). Discuss the findings from the Murthy and Lewis article. How does or can social media help and hurt your workplace? 2). After reading the provided article, discuss the role that groupthink played in the ‘Challenger’ disaster.  What was learned from this … Read more

D5 Rebuttal

Please answer any 2 of the following questions: 1. Please discuss whether your findings on the YouTube videos and ads support or detract from arguments made in the Chapter 7 text section ‘Imitation of Violence’. 2. *For the social comparison on social media article, compare rumination to self-reflection, discuss which is better for identity formation … Read more


Please answer any 2 of the following questions: 1. Please discuss whether your findings on the YouTube videos and ads support or detract from arguments made in the Chapter 7 text section ‘Imitation of Violence’. 2. *For the social comparison on social media article, compare rumination to self reflection, discuss which is better for identity … Read more


INITIAL ANSWER:One of the standard steps in producing a scientifically verifiable research study is to conduct a review of the existing literature.  However, as we debated in the first Discussion, authority and documentation are sources of knowledge that may have their weaknesses.  Written treatises are not infallible and may lack the empiricism and objectivity of … Read more

A Reply needed, Only 3 rebuttles are needed

One of the standard steps in producing a scientifically verifiable research study is to conduct a review of the existing literature.  However, as we debated in the first Discussion, authority and documentation are sources of knowledge that may have their weaknesses.  Written treatises are not infallible and may lack the empiricism and objectivity of the … Read more