Any topic (writer’s choice)

pick one urban songs, rap lyrics, that describes an urban issue. you will provide the song title, the artist and  the lyrics.  you must be able to describe the themes in the song and how they believe it impacts urban youth. This assignment will serve to familiarize with issues confronting youth and to discuss methods … Read more

Publicly traded company

A 5 page paper about the legal environment of that particular business. The paper must be a minimum of 5 double spaced pages. The page requirement does not include your reference section. Need a reference/citation page. A summary of the goals of the companyWhat industry they are inWhat does that industry offer to customers and … Read more


Assignment: Please locate an arbitration / dispute resolution provision in a contract to which you are a party. This will most likely be for wireless services, a credit card, an app, etc. (Even if you are not a party to such an agreement, please locate such an agreement online and locate the arbitration / dispute … Read more


There are many different types of digital crimes, and their impact and implications can be very different. Similarly, the ability to prosecute can also vary dramatically. Digital crimes have been increasing at a rapid rate for several years. Many types of crime that are emerging today were not possible or foreseen before the advent of … Read more


Identify a sport organization that has made the best use of sport marketing in the past 5 years. Then, explain what makes this organizations strategies unique and its impact on products and consumers. In formulating your Discussion post, consider the following questions: What are recent examples of sports marketing you have encountered?What are current marketing … Read more

annotated bibliography

Your task this week is to prepare an annotated bibliography of resources in your area of substance use disorder treatments. The area of study can be the same as your Week 1 assignment and include the two papers you used for assignment 1; Locate 10 scholarly resources and prepare an annotated bibliography that includes the … Read more

Song Proposal

Music and poetry are of extreme cultural and historical significance. Choose a published song or poem that demonstrates this. This can be modern or from another era. discuss its relevance in symbolizing our concepts of self, society, history and culture. 1. Identify the song or poem you will use2. Identify the format you would like … Read more

Case Study: Cyber Security Breach

Number each question as 1, 2, etc. to match with the question number. Use the citation rule. Adequate coverage of a single question (and there is more than one question in this assignment) is possible between 200 and 400 words. Any reference list, diagram, chart, table, etc. included are not counted towards the word limit. … Read more


Annotated Bibliography: This document is a short literature review giving a brief summary of an article that you read related to your topic. You will need to include a total of 5 peer-reviewed articles that are directly related to your topic. Please make sure the articles are current (preferably no later than 5 years old). … Read more